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OF    THE 

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Compiled  toy 


Uewport,  R.  I. 






John  P.  Sanborn,  Steam  Book,  and  Job  Printer. 
18  7  8. 

I  S'7 


The  Tilley  family  in  this  country  covers  a  period  of  two  hundred  and 
fifty  years.  As  generation  after  generation  has  passed  away,  much  ofthe 
early  history  ofthe  first  members  has  been  lost  or  destroyed. 

The  object  of  the  author  has  been  to  preserve  all  the  important  facts 
which  could  be  gathered  concerning  his  remote  ancestors,  and  to  give  a 
complete  genealogical  table  of  their  descendants. 

The  difficulties  which  we  encounter  in  collecting  the  genealogy  of  a 
family  are  briefly  stated  in  the  Genealogy  of  the  Greenleaf  Family,  by 
Jonathan  Greenleaf :  — 

"Probably  no  person  is  aware  of  the  difficulties  and  perplexities  of  col- 
lecting and  arranging  the.  genealogy  of  a  large  family,  but  those  who 
have  tried  it.  Many  families  keep  no  records ;  many  others  have  but  a 
few  fragments,  while  in  other  cases  we  find  a  list  of  names,  but  no  dates ; 
and,  in  some  instances,  dates  of  birth  are  withheld.  Added  to  this,  is  the 
fact,  that  but  few  men  are  found  who  take  much  interest  in  genealogical 
researches,  unless  the  possession  of  some  large  estate  is  in  prospect ;  and 
hence  many  inquiries  are  made,  and  many  letters  written  which  are 
never  auswered."     The  author's  experience  has  been  similar. 

We  commence  the  record  with  William  Tilley,  who  came  to  this  coun- 
try from  England  about  1660,  although  his  cousin  William,  who  was 
older,  came  over  in  the  Abigail,  June  19,  1635,  at  the  age  of  twenty,  but 
of  him  we  can  find  no  further  record  and  only  know  that  he  was  a  cousin 
of  William  Tilley  who  settled  in  Boston  in  1660,  as  we  find  from  the 
record  ofthe  latter,  wherein  he  says  :  ."I  can  find  no  trace  of  cousin  Wil- 
liam who  preceded  me  twenty-five  years  agone  in  ye  ship  Abigail." 

William  Tilley  was,  by  occupation,  a  rope-maker,  and  was  no  doubt  the 
second  one  of  his  trade  who  came  to  this  country,  as  we  find  from  the 
records  of  Boston  that  "The  business  of  rope-making  appears  to  have  been 
set  up  about  1641  by  John  Harrison." 

William  Tilley  ,  finding  that  his  business  would  warrant  the  employ- 
ment of  additional  help,  sent  for  the  three  sons  of  his  uncle,  Wm.  Tilley  of 
England,  William,  John  and  James,  who  came  over  and  worked  with  him 
awhile,  but  for  some  reason  they  soon  left  Boston,  William  settling  in 
Newport,  John  in  New  York,  and  James  in  New  London. 

The  record  of  the  descendants  of  William  (who  settled  in  Newport)  we 
have  carefully  compiled  and  bring  it  down  to  the  present  day.  Of  the 
others  we  are  unable  to  find  a  complete  record  but  their  record  as  we  pre- 
sent it  is  all  that  can  be  obtained. 


Newport,  E,.  I.,  December  1st,  1878, 





John  Tilley  of  England. 

William  of  England. 

John  of  England. 




John  of 

The  three  brothers  who  came  • 
from  England  to   work    for 
their  cousin  AVilliam,  the  rope  - 
maker  of  Boston. 

Elinor  of 

Rope-maker  of 
Boston,  Mass. 




The  rope-maker  of  Boston,  born  in  England  about  1641  ; 
died  in    Boston,  1717.     Married  for    bis    first    wife,  Isabella 

.  She  died,  January  13,  1702.     They  had  two  chil- 

1.  Isabella,  2.  Grace. 

1.  Isabella  (Armitage). 

Born,    May  23d,  1691  ;    died .      Married  Eliezur 

Armitage,  about  July,  1709  ;  their   intention    to    marry  was 
published,  March  30,  1709. 

6  .       Genealogy    of  the   Tilley  Family. 

2.  Grace  (Clarke). 

Born,    Nov.  4th,    1692 ;    died      .     Married    Jonas 

Clarke,  Nov.  24th,  1715. 

William  Tilley,  the  rope-maker,  married  his  second  wife, 
Abigail  Woodmancj*,  Jan.  27th,  1703.  She,  after  the  death 
of  her  husband,  married  Judge  Sewall  of  Boston,  in  1718. 

The  three  cousins  of  William  Tilley,  the  rope-maker, 
William,  John  and  James,  were  much  younger,  and  their 
genealogy  we  shall  give  under  their  respective  heads. 

The  oldest  cousin, 

was  born  in  Exeter,  England,  about  1685.  He  came  to  Boston, 
Mass.,  where  he  married  his  wife,  Dorcas,  in  1736.  We  can 
find  no  record  of  his  death,  nor  that  of  his  wife.  It  is  sup- 
posed that  he  had  but  one  child,  who  was  born  in  Newport, 
R.  I.,  where  he  established  himself  in  business.  His  son 
William  was  born  soon  after  their  arrival  in  Newport.  From 
this  son  we  trace  our  record  to  the  present  day. 

The  genealogy  of  John    and    James  will    follow   that    of 



Born  Newport,  Oct.  19th,  1738;  died  April  14th,  1825. 
Married,  First,  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  Jeremiah  and  Patience 
Rogers  in  1759.*     She  died  Aug.  28th,  1800;  age,  57  years. 

Second.  Catherine  Sabine,  January,  1802.  She  died  Oct. 
15th,  1817  ;  age,  73  years. 

Third.     Elizabeth  Read,  widow  of   Boone,  Nov.  4, 

1821.  She  died  Jan.  3d,  1836 ;  age,  86  years. 

By  his  first  wife,  Deacon  Tilley  had  17  children,  his  sec- 
ond and  third  wives  having  none. 

Children  of  William  and  Elizabeth  Tilley. 

I.  Mary,  VI.  Thomas. 

II.  William,!  VII.  Betsey,f 

III.  William,!  VIII.  William, 

IV.  Sarah,  IX.  Elizabeth, 
V.  James,  X.  Dorcas, 

*Patience,  wife  of  Jeremiah  Rogers,  died  Sept.  23tli,  1802;  age,  86  years. 
tDied  in  Infancy. 

Genealogy   of  the    Tilley  Family. 

XL  George,!  XIV.  John, 

XII.  Abraham,  XV.  George, 

XIII.  Patience,  XVI.  Benjamin, 

XVII.  Nancy. 


Mary  B.  (Swinburne). 
Born  Newport,  May  4th,  1760;  died  June  loth,  1830.  Mar- 
ried Daniel  F.  Swinburne,  Esq.,  of  Newport,  R.  I.      He  was 
born  February  15th,  1760  ;  died  Jan.  6th,  1820. 

Children  of  Daniel  and  Mary  Swinburne. 
Elizabeth,  Thomas, 

Mary  K.,  Lydia. 


Sarah  (Burroughs). 
Born  Newport,  R.  L,  June  19th,  1764;  died  Nov.  17th, 
1830.     Married  Green  Burroughs,  Esq.,  who  was  born  1764, 
and  died  Feb.  28th,  1538. 

Children  of  Green  and  Sarah  Burroughs. 
John,  William,  Mary, 

Abby,  Samuel,  Catherine, 

Thomas,  Peleg,  Greene. 

Betsey,  Sarah  Ann, 


James  Tilley. 
Born  Newport,  R.  I.,  Sept.  5th,  1765;  died  March  2d,  1800. 
Married,  First,  Rualmy,  daughter' of  Mr.  Paul  Coffin.  She 
died  Feb.  11th,  1787,  a  few  months  after  their  marriage  ;  age, 
21  years.  Mr.  James  Tilley  married  for  his  second  wife,  Mary, 
daughter  of  Charles  Barker,  Esq.  She  died  May  20th,  1806  ; 
age,  40  years. 

tDied  in  Infancy. 

Genealogy    of  the    Tilley   Family. 

Children  of  James  and  Mary  Tilley. 

1.  Rualmy,  3.  Sarah, 

2.  Mary,  4.   William  J. 

1.  Rualmy  (Remington). 
Born  1789;  died  February  1st,  1851. 
Married  Peter  P.  Remington.    He  was  born  April  7th,  1783, 
and  died  August  24th,  1864. 

Children  of  Peter  and  Rualni}r  Remington. 
Mary,  Peter,  Sarah. 

2.  Mary  (Babcock). 
Born  May  27th,  1793  ;  died  Aug.  22d,  1850. 
Married  April  13th,  1815,  to   Charles  Babcock,  Esq.      He 
was  born  1791,  and  died  March  22d,  1866. 

Children  of  Charles  and  Mary  Babcock. 

William,  Henry,  John. 

Charles,  Mary, 

3.  Saeah  (Sherman). 

Born  April  29th,  1797. 
Married  Thomas  Sherman,  who  was  born  April  16th,  1795, 
and  died  June  27th,  1840. 

Children  of  Thomas  and  Sarah  Sherman. 
James,  William,  P.  Remington, 

Eliza,  Thomas,  Clara. 

4.  William  James  Tilley. 
Born  July  9th,  1791 ;  died  July  2d,  1844. 
Married,  First,  Eliza,  daughter  of  John  Stockford  of  War- 
ren, R.  I.     She  was  born  Sept.  8th,  1796,  and  died   August 
18th,  1819.     They  had  only  one  child. 

i.  Mary  Jane.  , 

i.  Mary  Jane  (Warner). 

Born  July  24th,  1817. 
Married  George  Hazard,  Esq.     He  was  born  in    South 

Genealogy  of  the    Tilley  Family.  9 

Kingstown,  R.I.,  August  24th,  1813,  and  died  February  12th, 

1863.      Mary  Jane  afterwards  married  Lucius  Warner,  Esq. 

He  was  born  in  Sinsbury,  Conn.,  May  10th,  1809. 

William  James  Tilley  married  his  second   wife,  Clarissa, 

daughter  of   Christopher  Ellery,   Esq.,   of  Newport,  R.  I., 

September  1st,   1820.      She  died  January  30th,  1852  ;    age, 

52  years. 

Children  of  William  J.  and  Clarissa  Tilley. 

i.  Eliza  S.,  2.  StockfordE. 

i.  Eliza  S.  Tilley. 
Born  August  2d,  1821;  died  August  4th,  1821. 

2.  Stockford  E.  Tilley. 
Born,  Newport,  R.  L,  December  15th,  1823. 
Married,  in  1844,  Phebe,  daughter  of  Peter  Barker,  Esq.,  of 
Middletown,  R.  I.     She  was  born  February  1st,  1823. 
Children  of  Stockford  E.  and  Phebe  Tilley. 

A.  Clara  B.,  D.    Herbert, 

B.  William  J.,  E.    Clarence, 

C.  Maria,  F.   Annie. 

A.  Clara  Bird  (Prentis). 
Born  May  15th,  1845;  died  April  26th,  1874. 
Married,  Aug.  22d,  1867, William  M.  Prentis,  of  Fall  River, 
Mass.  He  died  November  10th,  1869  ;    age,  27  years.     They 
had  one  child,  Grace. 

B.  William  James  Tilley. 

Born,  Middletown,  R.  L,  November  15th,  1850. 

Married  Mary  Ann  Gray. 

Children  of  Wm.  J.  and  Mary  Ann  Tilley. 

a.    Edwin  E.,  b.  Grace  M.,  c.  Emma  M. 

a.  Edwin  E.  Tilley. 
Born  Bristol,  R.  I.,  1874. 

b.  Grace  M.  Tilley. 

'  Born  Bristol,  R.  I.,  1876. 

c.  Emma  M.  Tilley. 
Born  Bristol,  R.  I.,  April,  1878. 

10  Genealogy  of  the   Tilley  Family, 

C.  Maria  E.  Tilley. 

Born  Middletown,  R.  I.,  March  9th,  1852. 

Died  Bristol,  R.  I.,  January  16th,  1876. 

D.  Herbert  S.  Tilley. 
Born  June  18th,  1857. 

E.  Clarence  Tilley. 
Born  April  16th,  1859. 

F.  Annie  Lincoln  Tilley. 
Born  May  24th,  1861. 


Thomas  Tilley. 
Bom  Newport,  R.  I.,  March  16th,  1767. 
Died  June  16th,  1814. 
Married  Mary,  daughter  of  Capt.   George  Sinkins,    Septem- 
ber 7th,  1788.     She  died  October  8th,  1844;  age,  76  years. 

Children  of  Thomas  and  Mary  Tilley. 

1.  Mary  Ann  E„  6.  Eleaza, 

2.  Thomas  R.,  7.  George  S., 

3.  Elizabeth  A.,  8.  Catharine  H., 

4.  James,  9.  William. 

5.  Rebecca  T., 

1.  Mary  Ann  E.  (Smith). 
Born  July  28th,  1791;  died  Sept.  26th,  1866. 

Married  Stephen  Smith  of  Providence. 
Children  of  Stephen  and  Mary  Ann  Smith. 
Charles,  Sarah,  Mary  Anna. 

Mary  Ann,  Rebecca, 

2.  Thomas  R.  Tilley. 

Born  September  14th,  1793,  died . 

Married  Mary  Sweet. 

Genealogy    of  the    Tilley    Family. 


Children  of  Thomas  and  Mary  Tilley. 

1.  James  S.,  4-  Mary  Ann, 

2.  William,  5.  Mercy, 

3.  Thomas,  e.  Thomas. 

i.  James  S.  Tilley. 
Born . 

2.  William  Tilley. 

Born .  Died . 

3.  Thomas  Tilley. 

Born .  Died . 

4.  Mary  Ann  Tilley. 

Born .  Died . 

5.  Mercy  Tilley. 

Born .  Died . 

6.  Thomas  Tilley. 
Born .  Died- 

3.  Elizabeth  A.  (Pitman). 
Born  Newport,  R.  1.,  February  12th,  1797. 
Married  June  15th,  1817,  to  William  Pitman,  Esq.,  who  was 
born  Middletown,  R.  I.,  July  16th,  1798;  died  Dec.  27th,  1838. 

Children  of  William  and  Elizabeth  Pitman. 

Thomas  T., 

William,       \  ™  7- 

Charles  D.,  \  Catharine  T.,     Pemelia  B. 

MaryE.,  Lydia  B.,    |  Twing 

Charles  H.,        RebeccaT.  \ 

4.  Deacon  James  Tilley. 
Born  Oct.  27th,  1800;  died  June  12th,  1877. 
Married  April   10th,  1826,    to    Harriet,  daughter  of  Thomas 
Melville.     She  was  born  June  13th,  1801. 

Children  of   James  and  Harriet  Tilley. 
!.  Harriet  M.,  4.  Clara  M., 

2.  Julia  N.,  5.  Abby  F., 

3.  Henry  C,  6.  Edwin  M., 

7.  Thomas  J. 

12  Genealogy  of  the  Tilley  Family. 

1.  Harriet  M.  (Thomas). 
Born  March  16th,  1827. 
Married  Dec.  21st,  1845,  to  Jesse  Thomas. 
They  have  one  child. 
Mary  E. 

2.  Julia  N.  (Roberts). 
Born  November  3d,  1828. 
Married  March  18th,  1858,  to  William  S.  Roberts. 

3.  Henry  C.  Tilley. 

Born  June  27th,  1830.     Died  Feb.  19th,  1852. 

4.  Clara  M.  Tilley. 
Born  May  4th,  1832. 

5.  Abby  F.  Tilley. 
Born  September  20th,  1834. 

6.  Edwin  M.  Tilley. 
Born  February  6th,  1837. 

Married  January,  1860,  to  Sarah  Bradley. 

Children  of  Edwin  M.  and  Sarah  Tilley. 

A.  Emma,  C.  Edwin, 

B.  Harriet,  D.  Frank. 

A.  Emma  Tilley* 
Born  Sept.  19th,  1862. 

B.  Harriet  Tilley. 
Born  Dec.  20th,  1865. 

C.  Edwin  Tilley. 
Born  June  10th,  1872. 

D.  Frank  Tilley. 
Born  April  19th,  1874. 

7.  Thomas  J.  Tille}r. 
Born  June  25th,  1841. 

Married    Elizabeth  B.    Wilson,  Jan.   23d,  1861.    They  have 
one  child. 

Genealogy  of  the   Tilley  Family*  13 

A.  Henry  Co 

A.  Henry  C.  Tilley. 
Born  August  30th,  1863. 

5.  Rebecca  T.  (Burlingham). 
Born  May  8th,  1801.     Died  Dec.  23d,  1863. 
Married  William  Burlingham,  who  was  born  June  9th,  1797, 
and  died  May  3d,  1852.      They  had  one  child. 

6.  Eleaza  Tilley. 
Born  Sept,  11th,  1803;  died  Sept.  21st,  1803. 

7.  George  S.  Tilley. 

Born  April  7th,  1805.     Died  Dec.  28th,  1872. 
Married  Oct.  13th,  1833,  to  Frances,  daughter  of  John  Hull. 

Children  of  George  S.  and  Frances  Tilley. 
i.  John  Henry.  2.  Mary  S. 

1.  John  Henry    Tilley. 
Born  August  25th,  1836.    Died  August  26th,  1848. 

2.  Mary  S.  Tilley. 
Born  August  31st,  1851. 

8.  Catharine  (Vose). 
Born  May  31st,  1806. 

Married  William  S.  Vose,  Esq.,  of  Newport,  R.  I.      He  was 
born  May  27th,  1801. 

Children  of  William  S.  and  Catharine  Vose. 
1.  Mary  C,  2,  William  S. 

9.  Rev.  William  Tilley. 

Born  August  25th,  1808. 
Married,  First,  Eliza  P.  Amsbury,daughter  of  Israel  Amsbury. 
She  was  born    Sept.   29th,   1807,  and  died  April  26th,  1875. 

14  Genealogy    of  the   Tilley  Family. 

His  second  wife,    Mrs.    Artilitta  B.  Weeks,  was  daughter  of 
James  Slade,  Esq.,  of  Jefferson,  Maine. 

Children  of  William  and  Eliza  P.  Tilley. 

i.  Thomas  4.   William  H., 

2.  Henry  C,  5.  George  M., 

3.  Catharine  M.,  e.  Lawinston  G., 

7.  Charles  C. 

1.  Thomas  Tilley. 

Born  Providence,  R.  I.,  May  10th,  1834. 
Married  Chloe,  daughter  of  Henry  Larkin,  Feb.    14th,  I860. 
She  was  born,  Troy,  N.  Y.,  August  20th,  1834. 


A.  Annie  C,  C.  Emma  H., 

B.  George  H.,  D.  Mary  E. 

A.  Annie  C.  Tilley. 

Born,  Atchinson,  Kansas,  April  17th,  1861. 

B.  George  H.  Tilley. 

Born,  Morisana,  Kansas,  Nov.  1st,  1863. 

C.  Emma  H.  Tilley. 

Born,  Brown  Co.,  Kansas,  Sept.  20th,  1866. 

D.  Mary  E.  Tilley. 

Born,  Brown  Co.,  Kansas,  May  15th,  1868. 

2.  Henry  C.  Tilley. 

Born  Feb.  3d,  1837;  died  June  26th,  1843. 

3.  Catharine  M.  Tilley. 
Born  July  4th,  1841;  died  Jan.  1st,  1859. 

4.  William  H.  Tilley. 
Born  April  15th,  1843. 
Married  Emmiie  F.,  daughter  of  Capt.  Isaac  McCurda, 
June  18th,  1868.  She  was  born  Sept.  4th,  1843,  and  died  June 
7th,  1874.  His  second  wife,  Victoria,  to  whom  he  was  married 
Sept.  11th,  1878,  was  daughter  of  Phineas  P.  Jones.  She 
was  born  March  19th,  1853. 

Genealogy  of  the   Tilley  Family,  15 

Children  of  William  H.  and  Emmiie  F.  Tilley. 
A.  Charles  A.,  B.  Walter  R.,  C.  Harriet  M. 

A.  Charles  A.  Tilley. 
Born  Aug.  24th,  1869. 

B.  Walter  R.  Tilley. 
Born  Oct.  29th,  1871. 

C.  Harriet  Mary  Tilley. 
Born  April  10th,  1874;  died  July  27th,  1874. 

5.  George  M.  Tilley. 

Born  Feb.  21st,  1845;  died  April  2d,  1864. 

6.  Lawinston  G.  Tilley. 

Born  Feb.  4th,  1847. 

Married  Maria,  daughter  of  William  Brown,  of  Sidney,  Me. 

No  children. 

7.   Rev.  Charles  C.  Tilley. 

Born  January  12th,  1850. 

Married  Lydia,  daughter  of  William  Rathburn,  of  Prov..  R.  I. 


William  Tilley,  Jr. 
Born  Newport,  R.  I.,  Dec.  26th,  1769;  died  Aug.  20th,  1841. 
Married  Mary  C,  daughter   of  William  Coggeshall,  Esq., 
Oct.  17th,  1806.     She  was  born  April  27th,   1783,   and  died 
April  29th,  1830. 

Children  of  William  and  Mary  Tilley. 

1.  Elizabeth  M.,  4.  Susan  R., 

2.  Henry  H.,  5.  William  C, 

3.  Elizabeth  M.  R.,  6.  Mary  S. 

1.  Elizabeth  Moore  Tilley. 
Born  July  27th,  1807;  died  Sept.  21st,  1808. 

2.  Henry  Hudson  Tilley. 
Born  July  2d,  1809  ;  died  Nov.  17th,  1830. 

16  Genealogy    of  the   Tilley  Family. 

3.  Elizabeth  M.  R.  Tilley. 
Born  Feb.  17th,  1811 ;  died  Sept.  lOtb,  1827. 

4.  Susan  R.  Tilley. 
Bom  April  22d,  1813  ;  died  June  24th,  1847. 

5.  William  C.  Tilley. 
Born  Jan.  20th,  1815;  died  Aug.  23d,  1878. 
Married  April  25th,  1839,  Ann  G.,  daughter  of  John  Card. 

Children  of  William  C.  and  Ann  G.  Tilley. 
i.  William  H.,  2.  Frank  Woolsey. 

1.  William  H.  Tilley. 

Born  April  26th,  1841  ;  died  Oct.  3d,  1848. 

2.  Frank  Woolsey  Tilley. 
Born  March  27th,  1846  ;  died  April  13th,  1847. 

6.  Mary  Swinburne  Tilley. 
Born  April  19th,  1818  ;  died  June  25th,  1844. 


Elizabeth  (Cook). 

Born  Newport,  R.  L,  Feb.  27th,  1771  ;  died  May  13th,  1835. 
Married  Ruben  Cook,  Esq.     He  was  born  Jan.  7th,  1779 ; 
died  Nov.,  1814. 

Children  of  Ruben  and  Elizabeth  Cook. 

Elizabeth,  Elizabeth,  Isaac, 

Betsey,  Isaac,  Ruben, 

Lydia,  Catharine,  Mary  Ann. 


Dorcas  (Cook). 
Born  Newport,  R.  I.,  June  25th,  1772;  died  June  10th,  1843. 
Married  Clarke  Cook,  Esq.    He  died  Aug.  17th,  1817  ;  age, 
49  years. 

Genealogy  of  the    Tilley    Family.                        17 

Children  of  Clarke  and  Dorcas  Cook. 

Godfrey,  Mary, 

George,  Sarah, 

Eliza,  Henry, 

Hannah,  Charles, 

William,  John. 


Abraham  D.  Tilley. 

Born  Newport,  R.  I.,  May  29th,  1775;  died  June  5th,  1845. 

Married  Ruth   N.,  daughter  of  Capt.  William    Tew,  Sept. 

3d,  1798.     She  died  March  25th,  1857  ;  age,  77  years. 

Children  of  Abraham  D.  and  Ruth  N.  Tilley. 

1.  Eliza  R.,  6.  Charlotte, 

2.  Sarah  T.,  7.  Abraham  H., 

3.  Mary  T.,  8.  James, 

4.  William  T,  9.  Thomas  S. 

5.  Nancy,  10.  Ruth  A., 

11.  George. 

1.  Eliza  R.  (Peckham). 
Born  Dec.  23d,  1800 ;  died  March  16th,  1854. 
Married  Joshua  Peckham.  He  died  Sept.  27th,  1871  ;  age, 
73  years. 

Children  of  Joshua  and  Eliza  R.  Peckham. 
Abraham  T.,  Thomas  S.,  Nancy  C, 

Ruth  T.,  Charlotte  S.,  Joshua,     \  ™    • 

William  T.,  Sarah  I.,  John  H.,  ' 

Mary  E.,  Rebecca  H.,  James  T. 

Michael  E.,  Charlotte  H., 

2.  Sarah  T.  (Hazard). 
Born  Dec.  7th,  1802 ;  died  July  30th,  1870. 
Married  Mumford  Hazard,  Nov.  8th,  1821.     He  was   born 
Feb.  1st,  1802  ;  died  Nov.  13th,  1876. 

Children  of  Mumford  and  Sarah  Hazard. 
George  M.,  James  T.,  Mary  S., 

Benjamin  I.,  William  W.,  Thomas  T. 

Charles  H.,  Sarah  E., 

18  G-enealogy  of  the    Tilley  Family. 

3.  Mary  T.  (Seabuiy). 
Born  Sept.  24th,  1804 ;  died  Jan.  14th,  1843. 
Married  Peleg  Seabury,  Esq.,  of  Lynchburg,  Va.     He  was 
bom  May  3d,  1801. 

Children  of  Peleg  and  Mary  Seabury. 
Mary  I.,  Robert  M., 

William  J.,  John  Kirkpatrick, 

Peleg  S.,  Edward  C. 

Eliza  M., 

4.  Wm.  Tew  Tilley. 
Born  Aug.  21st,  1806  ;  died  June  10th,  1866. 
Married,  First,  Caroline,  daughter  of  Capt.  Samuel  Philips, 
July  10th,  1832.     She  died  Dec.  25th,  1837  ;  age,  28  years. 

His  second  wife  was  Mary  A.,  daughter  of  Thomas  Bush, 
Esq.  She  was  born  Sept.  21st,  1810;  died  June  16th,  1860. 
She  had  no  children. 

Children  of  William  T.  and  Caroline  Tilley. 

!.  Caroline  Amelia,  2.    Samuel  Philips, 

3.  Caroline  A. 

1.  Caroline  Amelia  Tilley. 

Born  July  6th,  1833;  died  Nov.  26th,  1833. 

2.  Samuel  P.  Tilley. 
Born  Feb.  24th,  1835  ;  died  April  4th,  1835. 

3.  Caroline  A.  (Wood). 

Born ,         1838. 

Married    William  M.    Read   of  Providence,  R.  I.      He    was 
born  April  7th,  1834  ;  died  Aug.  28th.  1865. 

Children  of  William  and  Catharine  Read. 
Leo,  William. 

Mrs.  William  M.  Read  married  her  second   husband,    Mr. 
Joseph  Q.  Wood  of  Boston,  Mass.,  Oct  1st,  1866. 

5.  Nancy  (Congdon). 
Born  July  20th,  1808. 

Married  William  P   Congdon   June  26th,  1830.     He    was 
born  March  12th,  1807. 

Genealogy  of  the   Tilley  Family.  19 

Children  of  William  P.    and  Nancy  Congdon. 
William  C,  George  R.,  James  C, 

Charlotte,  George,  John  C, 

Ruth  A.,  Sarah  P.,  Martha  D., 

Sarah  P.,  Robert  R.,  John  C.  C. 

6.  Charlotte  (Easton). 

Born  March  27th,  1811 ;  died  April  4th,  1854. 

Married  Benjamin  Easton,  Esq.,  Dec.  2.0th,  1835.    He  was 

born  Nov.  17th,  1809. 

Children  of  Benjamin  and  Charlotte  Easton. 

Henry,  Mary,  Thomas, 

Benjamin,  Kate,  Ruth  A. 

7.  Abraham  H.   Tilley. 
Born  Sept.  20th,  1813. 

Married,  First,    Esther    A.,   daughter  of  Arnold    Barker. 
She  was  born  March  2d,  1816  ;  died  Aug.  4th,  1840. 
Children  of  Abraham  H.  and  Esther  Tilley. 
i.  George   W.  T.,  2.  Esther  A. 

1.  George  W.  T.  Tilley. 
Born  April  11th,  1838. 
Married  Oct.  29th,  1857,  Elizabeth  C,  daughter    of  John 
Easton.  She  was  born  Jan.  7th,  1838.  They  have  had  several 
children,    but    all   died    in   infancy,    except    James    Easton 
Tilley,  who  was  born  Oct.  9th,  1868  ;  died  Sept.  11th,  1869. 
2.  Esther  Ann  (Nason). 
Born  Dec.  7th,  1839. 
-    Married    April    30th,  1862,  to    George    Nason.     He    was 
born  March  14th,  1840. 

Children  of  George  and  Esther  Nason. 

Ella,  Charles,  Hattie. 

Abraham  H.  Tilley  married,  for    his  second  wife,  Celinda, 

daughter  of  Arnold  Barker.    She  was  born  March  24th,  1823. 

Children  of  Abraham  H.  and  Celinda  Tilley. 

3.  Mary  S.,  6.  Edna  C, 

4.  William  C,  7.  Abraham  A., 

5.  Hattie  B.,  8.   Herbert  C. 

3.  Mary  S.  (Pullen). 
Born  March  19th,  1843. 

20  Genealogy  of  the   Tilley  Family. 

Married  Randall  Pullen,  Nov.  26th,  1867.  He  died  Oct.  3d, 
1868  ;  age,  38  years.     They  had  only  one  child. 


4.  William  C.  Tilley. 

Born  Sept.  12th,  1844  ;  died  July  24th,  1845. 

5.  Hattie  B.  (Popple). 
Born  September  24th,  1846. 

Married   Dec.  18th,  1872,  J.  M.    Popple.     He    was   born 
May  23d,  1834. 

e.  Edna   C.  (Chace). 
Born  January  1st,  1849. 
Married  July  30th,  1874,  John  F.  Chace.     He  died  April 
19th,  1876  ;  age,  26  years.     They  had  one  child. 
J.  F.  Chace,  Jr. 

7.  Abraham  A.  Tilley. 
Born  January  11th,  1852. 

Married  Sept.   9th,  1874,  Nebraska,  daughter  of  Joshua  C. 
Brown.     She  was  born  June  23d,  1854. 

Children  of  Abraham  A.  and  Nebraska  Tilley. 

A.  Jennie  E.,  B.  Mary  P. 

A.  Jennie  E.  Tilley. 
Born  April  24th,  1876. 

B.  Mary  P.  Tilley. 
Born  July  31st,  1878. 

8.  Herbert  C.  Tilley^. 
Born  Sept.  27th,  1860. 

8.  James  Tilley. 
Born  Dec,  1816  ;  died  Nov.  22d,  1827 

9.  Thomas  S.  Tilley. 
Born  Sept,  9th,  1818  ;  died  Oct.  18th,  1877. 
Married  Annie  E.,  daughter  of  William  Lovie,  July  27th, 
1842.     She  was  born  June  28th,  1817. 

Children  of  Thomas  and  Annie  Tilley. 
i.  William  L.,  4.  Benjamin  H., 

2.  Thomas  S.,  Jr.,  5.  Abbie  R. 

3.  George  H., 

Genealogy  of  the   Tilley  Family.  21 

i.  William  Lovie  Tilley. 
Born  May  29th,  1843. 
Married,  First,  to  Elizabeth    J.  A)  ers,    Dec.    25th,  1866. 
She    was   born    April    25th,  1850 ;  died   March    17th,  1874. 
They  had  four  children. 

A.  Mary  E.,  C. , 

B.  Thomas  S.,  D.  Carrie  S. 

A.  Mary  E.  Tilley. 

Born  March  24th,  1868. 

B.  Thomas  S.  Tilley. 

Born  Feb.  8th,  1870. 

C.  Infant  Daughter. 

Born  Oct.  28th,  1871  ;  died  June  8th,  1872. 

D.  Carrie  S.  Tilley. 
Born  Dec.  13th,  1873. 

William  Lovie  Tilley  married,  for  his   second    wife,  Kate, 
daughter   of  Z.  L.   Hammond,  Esq.,  Oct.    19th,   1875.     She 
was  born    June    15th,  1844 ;  died    June    8th,    1877.     They 
had  one  child. 
E.  Percival. 

E.  Percival  Tilley. 
Born  April  5th,  1877. 

William  Lovie  Tilley  married  his  third  wife,  Mary  E., 
daughter  of  William  G.  and  Lyclia  Sherman,  and  widow  of 
George  P.  White,  April  24th,  1878.  She  was  born  Jan. 
28th,  1844. 

2.  Thomas  S.  Tilley,  Jr. 
Born  August  27th,  1850;  died   Jan.  21st,  1851. 

3.  George  H.  Tilley. 

Born  April  19th,  1852;  died  Jan.   25th,  1858. 

4.  Benjamin  H.  Tilley. 

Born  Dec.  20th,  1853  ;  died  May  8th,  1854. 

s.  Abbie  P.  Tilley. 

Born  July  14th,  1855. 

10.  Ruth  A.  (Powell). 
Born  Sept.  7th,  1821. 

Genealogy    of  the   Tilley  Family. 

Married  James  C.  Powell.      Be  was  born  in  Bristol,  R.  I., 
July  27th,  1822;  died,  Newport,  R.  I.,  Sept.  14th,  1865. 
Children  of  James  C.  and  Ruth  A.  Powell. 
James  T.,  Carrie, 

Charlotte,  Frank, 

Abb}r,  Charles., 

11.   George  Tilley. 
Born  Feb.  21th,  1821. 


Has  one  child. 

Joseph  Boutelle  Tilley. 


Patience  (Hudson). 
Born  Newport,  R.  I.,  Aug.  6th,  1776  ;  died  June    1st,  1847. 
Married  H.  J.    Hudson,  Esq.     He    was    born    Jan.    12th, 
1776  ;  died  Oct,  4th,  1851. 
No  children. 


John  Tabour  Tilley. 
Born  Newport,  R.  I.,  April  5th,  1778  ;  died  Aug.  23d,  1828. 
Married    Margaret,*    daughter    of     John     and    Sarah    B. 
Nicoll,  April  20th,  1800.     She  was    born   March    23d,  1780; 
died  Oct.  21st,  1864. 

Children  of  John  T.  and  Margaret  Tilley. 

1.  Sarah  R.,  5.  Charles  N., 

2.  John  TV,  Jr.,  6.   William  J., 

3.  Ann  Bouton,  7.   Margaret  Hoffman, 

4.  Mary  S.,  8.  Margaret  Tew. 

9.   Benjamin  J. 

1.  Sarah  R.  (Lawton). 
Born  Jan.  12th,  180  L  ;  died  March  26th,  1837. 
Married  Capt.  James  E.  Lawton,  Oct  5th,  1828.     He  was 
born  June  22d,  1801. 

Children  of  Capt.  James  E.  and  Sarah  R.  Lawton. 
William  H.,  John,  Nicholas. 

Genealogy    of  the    Tilley    Family. 


2.  John  T.  Tilley,  Jr. 

Born  Feb.  22d,  1802  ;  died  Dec.  17th,  1874. 
Married   Amelia,    daughter    of  William    Tew,  Dec.    22d, 
1824.     She  was  born  Jan.  11th,  1799. 

Children  of  John  T.  and  Amelia  Tilley. 
i.  Charlotte  S.,  2.  Ruth  Amelia.,  3.  Carrie. 

1.  Charlotte  S.  (Lawton). 
Born  Nov.  26th,  1825.  . 
Married  William  H.  Lawton  March  26th,  1850.     He    was 
born  Oct.  18th,  1822. 

Children  of  William  and  Charlotte  Lawton. 
Thomas  A.,  Charles  H., 

William  H.,  Charlotte  A. 

2.   Ruth  Amelia  (Champlin). 
Born  Sept,  21st.  1858. 
Married  Oliver  H.  P.  Champlin  of  Buffalo,  N.  Y.,  Oct.  1st, 
1856,  in  Lebanon,  Conn.,  Nov.  21st,  1818. 

Children  of  Oliver  H.  P.  and  Ruth  Amelia  Champlin. 
Amelia  T.,  Henry  S.,  Lizzie  T., 

Stephen  C,  Oliver  H.  P.,  Carrie  M. 

3.  Carrie  T.  (Wilson). 
Born  Dec.  25th,  1837. 

Married,  First,  Oct.  4th,  1859,  to  Joseph  E.  Kline.    He  died 
Dec.  1st,  1864  ;    age,  26  years.     They  had  one  child. 

John  Everett. 

Carrie  T.  was  married  second  to  RobertWilson,  July  11th, 
1867.     He  was  born  Aug.  6th,  1824. 

Children  of  Robert  and  Carrie  Wilson. 

Robert,  Joseph  K.,  Oliver  C. 

3.  Ann  Bouton  Tilley. 
Born  March  11th,  1804  ;  died  May  16th,  1839. 
Not  married. 

4.  Mary  S.  (McKenzie). 
Born  Dec.  23d,  1805;  died  April  23d,  1869. 

24  Genealogy   of  the    Tilley  Family. 

Married  September  15th,  1833,  to  Rev.  James  A.  McKen- 
zie.     He  was  born  1813  ;  died  April  10th,  1873. 

Children  of  Rev.  James  A.  and  Mary  S.  McKenzie. 
Alice  H.,  Sarah  Ann, 

James  A.,  Sarah  Jane, 

John  T.,  Joseph  P. 

5.  Charles  N.  Tilley. 
Born  September  16th,  1808. 
Married  Abby,   daughter  of    Henry  Chappell,   Nov.     3d, 
1830.     She  was  born  Dec.  22d,  1810.     They  have  one  child. 
i.  John  Henry. 

!•  John   Henry  Tilley. 
Born  Aug.  29th,  1831. 
Married  Louise,  daughter  of   Joseph    Marsh,  March    23d, 
1856.     She  was  born  Sept  26th,  1834. 
No  Children. 

6.  William  J.  Tilley. 
Born  Oct.  5th,  1811. 
Married  Jane,  daughter  of  Simeon  Barker  of  Middletown, 
R.  I.,  Sept  11th,  1838.     She  was  born  Jan.  5th,  1820. 
Children  of  William  J.  and  Jane  Tilley. 
i.  William  H.,  s.  Emma, 

2.  Simeon  B.,  4.  William  J.,  Jr. 

i.   William  H.  Tilley. 
Born  Nov.  12th,  1840;  died  Nov.  5th,  1843. 

2.  Simeon  B.  Tilley. 
Born  Sept,  4th,  1843. 

3.  Emma  J.  (Perry). 
Born  Jan.  6th,  1846. 

Married  Herbert  L.  Perry  of  Boston,  Mass.     Fie  was  born 
April  4th,  1842. 
No  Children. 

Grenealogy  of  the  Tilley  Family.  25 

4.  William  J.  Tilley,  Jr. 
Born  June  17th,  1848. 
Married  Addie,  daughter  of    John    P.  Holmes,  of  North 
Easton,  Mass.    She  was  born  August  23d,  1844. 

Children  of  William  J.  and  Addie  Tilley. 
A.  William  J.,  3d.,  B.    Lettie  Louise. 

A.  William  J.  Tilley,  3d. 

Born  in  North  Easton,  Mass.,  October  14th,  1868. 

B.  Lettie  Louise  Tilley. 

Born  in  Providence,  R.  I.,  December  1st,  1875. 

7.  Margaret  H.  Tilley. 
Born  April  17th,  1818  ;  died  September  17th,  1818. 

8.  Margaret  Tew  (Lawton). 
Born  March  16th,  1820  ;  died  October  8th,  1862. 
Married  Capt.  James   E.    Lawton,  November    14th,  1839. 
He  was  born  June  22d,  1801.     They  had  one  child. 
Benjamin  James. 

9.  Benjamin  J.  Tilley. 
Born  November  20th,  1821 ;  died  July  31st,  1866. 
Married  Mary  C,  daughter  of  Capt.  Edward    E.    Taylor, 
December  2d,  1849.     She  was  born  June  24th,  1825.     They 
had  one  child. 

!.  Risbrough  H.  Tilley. 

i.  Risbrough  H.  Tilley. 
Born  September  1st,  1850. 
Married  Susie  J.,  daughter  of  Frederick    A.  Barlow,    No- 
vember 23d,  1874.     She    was   born    November   28th,    1854. 
They  have  one  child. 
A.  Edith  May. 

A.  Edith  May  Tilley. 
Born  December  19th,  1875. 

26  Genealogy  of  the   Tilley  Family. 

Deacon  George  Tilley. 
Born  November  18th,  1780  ;  died  April  29th,  1843. 
Married,  first,  Content,  daughter   of  James    Larkin.     She 
died  June  21st,  1807  ;  age,  28  years. 

Children  of  George  and  Content  Tilley. 
1.  James  L.,  2.  George  W. 

1.  James  L.  Tilley. 

Born  September  1st,  1805  ;  died  November  27th,  1844. 
Married  Ann  Ward.     She  died  April  10th,  1873  ;  age,  61 

Children  of  James  L.  and  Ann  Tilley. 
i.  Mary  Elizabeth,  2.  James  Harrison. 

t.  Mary  Elizabeth  (Slocum). 
Born  July,  1833. 
Married,  first,  James  H.  BetofT.     He  was  born  July,  1826. 
They  had  one  child. 
Emma  Louise. 
Mary  Elizabeth  married,  second,  Edmond  D.  Slocum,  July 
12th,  1866.     He  was  born  August,  1835. 

Children  of  Edmond  D.  and  Mary  E.  Slocum. 
Lena  R.,  Mary  E., 

Susan  G.,  Edmond  D. 

2.  James  Harrison  Tilley. 
Born  1840;  died  April  27th,  1845. 

2.  George  W.  Tilley. 
Born  January  25th,  1804  ;  died  December  8th,  1860. 

Deacon  George  Tilley  married  for  his  second  wife  Mary, 
daughter  of  William  Lawton,  of  Portsmouth,  R.  I.  She 
died  September  8th,  1864 ;  age,  75  years. 

Children  of  George  and  Mary  Tilley. 

G-enealogy  of  the  Tilley  Family.  27 

3.  Mary,  7.  William  L., 

4.  Edward  L.,  8.  Robert  L., 

5.  Charles  C,  9.  Aaron  S., 

6.  Sarah,  10.  Elizabeth. 

3.  Mary  (Finch). 
Born  February  22d,  1810. 
Married  Benjamin    Finch,  Esq.,  January    8th,    1835.     He 
was  born  September  5th,  1806. 

Children  of  Benjamin  and  Mary  Finch. 
James  B.,  Emma, 

Sarah,  George  T. 

4.  Edward  L.  Tilley. 
Born   October  8th,  1812  ;  died  October  25th,  1862. 
Married,  first,  Mary    C,  daughter    of   Daniel    U.    Boone, 
June  14th,  1838.     She  died  July  5th,  1846 ;  age,  33  years. 

Children  of  Edward  L.  and  Mary  C.  Tilley. 
i.  Henry  H.,  2.  Catharine  L. 

1.  Henry  H.  Tilley. 
Born  May  6th,  1839. 
Married  April  18th,  1864,  Martha,    daughter    of  Thomas 
Simpson.     She  was  born  January    28th,  1843.     They    have 
one  child. 

A.  Louis  E. 

A.  Louis  E.  Tilley. 
Born  October  24th,  1871. 

2.  Catharine  (Lewis). 
Born  September  15th,  1844. 
Married  George  E.  Lewis,  January    31st,  1867.     He    was 
born  August  20th,  1843. 

Edward  L.  Tilley  married,  second,  Catharine  C,  daughter 
of  Robert  Lawton,  June  27th,  1850.  She  was  born  Novem- 
ber 28th,  1818. 

28  Genealogy  of  the   Tilley  Family* 

Children  of  Edward  L.  and  Catharine  C.  Tilley. 
3.  George  W.,  4.  Herbert.- 

3.  George  W.  Tilley. 
Born  December  4th,  1856. 
4.  Herbert   Tilley. 
Born  June  4th,  1858  ;  died  October  23d,  1858. 

5.  Charles  C.  Tilley. 
Born  September  29th,  1814  ;  died  May  13th,  1850. 
Married  Rebecca  H.,  daughter  of  Nathaniel    Davis,  April 
25th,  1836.     She  was  born  July  29th,  1815.     They  had  one 

1.  Charles  H. 

1.  Charles  H.  Tilley. 
Born  April  15th,  1840. 
Married   Phebe    Ann    Peckham,    of    Middletown,  R.  I., 
August  3d,  1865.     She  was  born  December  26th,  1837. 

Children  of  Charles  H.  and  Phebe  Ann  Tilley. 
A.  Charles  E.,  B.    Winnefried. 

A.  Charles  E.  Tilley. 
Born  April  30th,  1868. 

B.   Winnefried  Tilley. 
Born  June  21st,  1870. 

6.  Sarah  Tilley. 
Born  May  15th,  1817 ;  died  October  16th,  1848. 

7.  William  L.  Tilley. 
Born  January  15th,  1820. 
Married    Elizabeth,  daughter    of  Benjamin    Chace.     She 
was  born  January  19th,  1820. 

8.  Robert   L.  Tilley. 

Genealogy  of  the  Tilley  Family.  29 

Born  April  24th,  1823. 
Married  Ann,  daughter    of    Capt.    Daniel    Burdick.     She 
was  born  June  23d,  1821. 

Children  of  Robert  L.  and  Ann  Tilley. 
i.  Emma,  2.  John  B.,  3.   Mira, 

1.  Emma  Tilley. 
Born  January  13th,  1847. 
2.  John  B.  Tilley. 
Born  August  14th,  1850. 
Married  Lillie  L.,  daughter   of  Mrs.    Julia    Sweet,    April 
30th,  1878.     She  was  born  January  5th,  1857. 

3.  Mira  Tilley. 
Born  February  1st,  1863 ;  died  January  29th,  1873. 

9.  Aaron  S.  Tilley. 
Born  August  9th,  1824. 
Married  Lydia,  daughter  of  Pardon  Handy,  January  15th, 
1851.     She  died  July  21st,  1872;  age,  49  years. 

Children  of  Aaron  S.  and  Lydia  Tilley. 
1.  Edgar  H.,  2.  George  A. 

1.  Edgar  H.  Tilley. 
Born  in  Warren,  R.  I.,  November  17th,  1852. 
Married  Caudis,  daughter  of  Ashel    S.  Brainard, : 

She  was  born  March  25th,  1856.     They  have  one  child. 
A.  Etta  Finch. 

A.  Etta  Finch   Tilley. 
Born  November  19th,  1875. 

2.  George  A.  Tilley. 
Born  in  Newport,  R.  I.,  August  15th,  1855. 
Married  Lydia,  daughter  of    Thomas    Clarke,    Februrary 
9th,  1876.     She  was  born  December  21st,  1856. 

Children  of  George  A.  and  Lydia  Tilley. 
A.  Frederic,  B.  Elsie  Ann. 

30  G-eneology  of  the  Tilley  Family. 

A.  Frederick  Tilley. 

Born  September  27th,  187& 

B.  Elsie  Ann  Tilley. 

Born  May  18th,  1878. 

10.  Elizabeth  R.  (Hammett). 
Born  February  20th,  1828. 
Married  James  H.  Hammett,  October  3d,  1849. 

Children  of  James  and  Elizabeth  Hammett. 
Sarah,  Lincoln, 

Louise,  Lizzie, 

Frederick,  Bessie. 


Benjamin  Tilley. 
Born  in  Newport,  R.  L,  September  7th,  1782  ;  died  May  12th, 

Married    Racheal,  daughter    of  Jonathan   Simmons.     She 
was  born  April  17th,  1783  ;  died  April  20th,  1860. 

Children  of  Benjamin  and  Racheal  Tilley. 

1.  William  B.,  5.   Benjamin, 

2.  Elizabeth,  6.  Catharine 

3.  Mary,  7.  Charles, 

4.  Nancy,  8.  Racheal, 

9.  George. 

1.  William  B.  Tilley. 
Born  in  Newport,  R,  I.,  June  20th,  1814  ;  died    May    28th, 

Married    Lydia,    daughter    of  Palmer    Brown,  November 
29th,  1827.     She  was  born  October  12th,  1808. 

Children  of  William  B.  and  Lydia  Tilley. 
i.  Benjamin,  5-  Thomas  C, 

2.  Catharine,  6.  Francis, 

3.  William  P.,  7.  Lydia  E. 

4.  Edward  M., 

G-enealogy  of  the  Tilley  Family.  31 

i.  Benjamin  Tilley. 
Born  in  Bristol,  R.  I.,  October  26th,  1828. 
Married  Lucy   B.,  daughter   of  Bennett    Munroe,  Novem- 
ber 20th,  1852. 

Children  of  Benjamin  and  Lydia  B.  Tilley. 

A.  Kate,  C.  Louis  C, 

B.  Wilhelmina,  D.   William  B. 

A.  Kate  Tilley. 

Born  in  Ogdensburgh,  N.  Y.,  June  3d,  1855. 

B,  Wilhelmina  Tilley. 

Born  in  Ogdensburgh,  N.  Y.,  August  23d,  1858. 

C.  Louis  Crawford  Tilley. 

Born  in  Ogdensburgh,  N.  Y.,  July  22d,  1860. 

D.  William  B.  Tilley." 

Born  in  Ogdensburgh,  N.  Y.,  October  20th,  1863. 

2.  Catharine  Tilley. 
Born  in  Bristol,  R.  I.,  October  10th,  1830  ;  died  in  Taunton^ 
Mass.,  January,  1848. 

a.  Wtlltam  P.  Tilley. 
Born  in  Bristol,  R.  I.,  June  28th,  1832. 
Married  Anaster    Molly,  of  Pittsburgh,  N.   Y.,  May  6th, 


*.  Edwin  M.  Tilley. 
Born  in  Bristol,  R,  I.,  April  2d,  1835. 
Married  Eliza  A.    Hare,  of  Ogdensburgh,  N.    Y.,  Novem- 
ber 8th,  1856. 

Children  of  Edwin  and  Eliza  Tilley. 

A.  William  M„  C.  Clara  E., 

B.  Mary  Eva,  D.  George  T., 

E.  Jennie  M. 

A.   William  M.  Tilley. 
Born  in  Ogdensburgh,  N.  Y.,  July  3d,  1858. 

32  Greneology  of  the  Tilley  Family. 

B.  Mary  Eva  Tilley. 

Born  in  Ogdensburgb,  N.  Y.,  October  3d,  1860. 

C.  Clara  E.  Tilley. 

Born  in  Baltimore,  Md.,  February  13th,  1864. 

D.  George  T.  Tilley. 

Born  in  Princess  Anne  County,  Va.,  July  23d,  1868. 

E.  Jennie  Molly  Tilley. 

Born  in  Berkeley,  Va.,  December  5th,  1872. 

5.  Thomas  C.  Tilley. 
Born  in  Bristol,  R.  I.,  April  30th,  1842. 
Married  Lois    F.    Miller,  of  Philadelphia,  October    16th, 

Children  of  Thomas  and  Lois  F.  Tilley. 
A,  Lydia    L.,  B.  Morris  P. 

A.  Lydia  L.  Tilley. 

Born  in  Berkeley,  Va.,  July  11th,  1874. 

B.  Morris  P.  Tilley. 

Born  in  Berkeley,  Va.,  Frbruary  7th,  1876. 

6.  Francis  Tille}^. 
Born  May  26th,  1845  ;  died  March  26th,  1846. 

?.  Lydia  Eva  Ttilley. 
Born  in  Taunton,  Mass.,  June  24th,  1847. 

2.  Elizabeth  (Munroe). 
Born  September  1st,  1805. 
Married    George    B.    Munroe,    October   17th,    1824.     He 
died  May  13th,  1869  ;  age,  70  years. 

Children  of  George  B.  and  Elizabeth  Munroe. 
William  J.,  George  W.,  Ann  C. 

3.  Mary  (Church). 
Born  April  22d,  1807  ;  died  February  23d,  1852. 
Married  Samuel  Church,  of  Bristol,  R  I.,  September  13th, 
1828.     He  was  born  February  13th,  1803. 

G-enealogy  of  the  Tilley  Family.  33 

Children  of  Samuel  and  Mary  Church. 

Annie  E.,  Mary  C,  Sarah, 

Samuel  W.,  Thomas,  Matilda, 

Benjamin,  Eveline,  Thomas. 

4.  Nancy  Tilley. 
Born  October  6th,  1809  ;  died  October  4th,  1833. 

5.  Benjamin  R.  Tilley. 
Born  September  15th,  1811. 
Married  Susan   W.,  daughter  of  Samuel    Easterbrook,  No- 
vember 17th,  1832. 

Children  of  Benjamin  R.  and  Susan  VV.  Tilley. 
i. ,  5.   William  J., 

2.  Henry  H.,  e.   Benjamin   F., 

3.  Samuel  E.,  ?.  Kate, 

4.  Susan  E.,  8.  George  A., 

9.  Annie  P. 

Boy-^born  August  19th,  1833  ;  died  August  20th,  1833. 
\  Henry  H.  Tilley. 
Born  in   Bristol,  R.   I.,  July   26th,  1834. 
Married  Mary  E.  Darling,  November  2d,  1858. 
8.  Samuel  E.  Tilley. 
Born  March  28th,  1837  ;  died  August  10th,  1839. 
4.  Susan  E.  (Warner). 
Born  January  14th,  1841. 
Married  Oliver  S.  Warner,  October  1st,  1872. 

Children  of  Oliver  S.  and  Susan  E.  Warner. 
Mary   G.,  Kate  L.,  George  D. 

5.  Rev.  William  J.  Tilley. 

Born  in  Bristol,  R.  I.,  September  16th,  1845. 

Married  Catharine  J.  Travis,  December  2d,  1873. 

6.  Benjamin  F.  Tilley. 

Born  March  29th,  1848. 

34  Genealogy  of  the  Tilley  Family. 

Married  Emily  E.  Williamson,  June  6th,  1878. 

7.  Kate  (Allen). 
Born  September  20th,  1850. 
Married  Dr.  William  A.  Allen,  October  9th,  1878. 
8.  George  A.  Tilley. 
Born  in  Bristol,  R.  I.,  August  20th,  1853 ;  died  March  14th, 

9.  Annie  P.  Tilley. 
Born  May  5th,  1856  ;  died  July  22d,  1856. 

6.  Catharine  Tilley. 
Born  June  29th,  1814  ;  died  September  26th,  1838. 

7.  Charles  H.  Tilley. 
Born  October  26th,  1820. 
Married  Ann    E.,  daughter  of  Zenas    L.    Hammond,  Esq., 
of    Newport,  R.    I.,    November     2d,    1842.     She    was  born 
August  25th,  1821. 

Children  of  Charles  H.  and  Ann  E.  Tilley. 
i.  Edwin  H.,  2.  Racheal,  3.  Mary  E. 

j.  Ediwn  H.  Tilley. 
Born  January  14th,  1844. 
Married  Josephine,  daughter  of  Henry  Barker,  December 
18th,  1867.     She  was  born  June  12th,  1845. 

2.  Racheal  Tilley. 
Born  April  26th,  1846  ;  died  September  19th,  1847. 
3.  Mary  E.  (Brownell). 
Born  September  7th,  1848. 
Married     William  S.    Brownell.      He   was    born    August 
30th,  1847. 

Children  of  William  S.  and  Mary  E.  Brownell. 
Charles  T.,  William  S., 

Mary  S.,  George. 

8.  Racheal  S.  Tilley. 
Born  August  24th,  1825  ;  died  February  25th,  1827. 

Grenealogy  of  the  Tilley  Family.  35 

9.  George  Tilley. 
Born  March  13th,  1828. 
Married  Alphia,  daughter  of  John  Grey,  of  Bristol,  R.  I., 
October  25th,  1855.     She   was  born    May    27th,  1830  ;  died 
March  7th,  1866. 

Children  of  George  and  Alphia  Tilley. 
i.  Julia,  2.  Emma. 

i.  J  cilia  Tilley. 

Born  October  15th,  1858. 

2.  Emma  Tilley. 

Bom  January  19th,  1862  ;  died  March  26th,  1876. 

George  Tilley    married   for  his   second   wife,    Abbie    A. 

Douglas,  May  25th,  1873.     She  was  born  April  4th,  1844. 


Nancy  (Tew). 
Born  in  Newport,  R.  I.,  March  22d,  1784 ;  died  August  13th, 

Married   Capt.  William    Tew,   June    1st,  1806.     He    died 
December  30th,  1829  ;  age,  46  years. 

They  had  one  child,  Nancy,  who  died  in  infancy. 




John  Tilley  of  England. 

William  Tilley 
of  England. 

John  Tilley 
of  England. 

William,  John,  James,     John  of 

The  three  brothers  who  came  from  England. 
England  to  work  for  their  cous- 
in William,  the  Rope-maker  of 
Boston,  Mass. 

Elinor  of 



of  Boston, 


The  second  brother, 
was  born  in  Edford,  England,  about  1687.  He  came  to 
Boston  with  his  brothers,  William  and  James,  to  work  fo  r 
his  cousin  William  the  Rope-maker  of  Boston.  Of  John's 
wife  we  have  no  record  nor  of  the  time  or  place  of  his  mar- 
riage. We  find  on  the  records  of  Boston  several  "John 
Tilleys"  about  1720,  but  have  no  evidence  that  either  is  the 
John  above  mentioned.  John  Tilley  left  Boston  for  New 
York  State,  where  his  two  sons  were  born.  Of  his  death  we 
can  find  no  record. 

Children  of  John  Tilley. 
I.  Leonard,  II.  Samuel. 


Leonard  Tilley. 
Born  in    Brooklyn,  N.  Y.,  where  he    lived   until  his  mar. 

Grenealogy  of  the  Tilley  Family. 


riage,  after  which  time  he  appears  to  have  had  a  residence  in 
Granby,  Mass.     We  have  record  of  only  one  of  his  children. 

1.  Alexander. 

1.  Alexander  Tilley. 

Married  Jernsha 

Children  of  Alexander  and  Jernsha  Tilley. 
i.  Leonard,  5.   Rnth, 

2.  Porter,  6.  Jernsha, 

3.  Orin,  7.  Mary, 

4.  George,  8.  Sallie. 

l.  Llonard  Tilley. 
Had  three  daughters. 
A.  Adalaide,  B.  Ruth, 

C.  Jerusha. 

2.  Porter  Tilley. 
Married  Asneth  Buckland. 
They  had  three  sons. 
A.  Franklin,  B.   Albert, 

C.  OrinE. 

Has  six  children. 

a.  Hiram, 

b.  Fernando^ 

c.  Otis, 

A.  Franklin  Tilley. 

d.  Luthern, 

e.  Bell, 

f.  May. 

Has  two  Children, 
a.  George, 

B.  Albert  Tilley. 

b.  Luella. 

C.  Orin  E.  Tilley. 
Born  November  17th,  1833, 
Married  Julia  E.  Deney. 
They  have  no  children. 

s.  Orin  Tilley. 

Has  eight  children. 

38                           G-eneology  of  the  Tilley  Family. 

A.  Leonard, 

E.  Elisa, 

B.  Lucian, 

F.  Mary  Ann, 

C.  David, 

G.  Antonett, 

D.  Frank, 

H.  Ellen. 

4.  George  Tilley. 

Has  seven  children. 

A.  James, 

D.  Hiram, 

B.  Nor ris, 

E.  Clarence, 

C.  John, 

F.  Maria, 

G.  Eugene. 

B.  Ruth  (Bartlette). 

Married  Luman  Bartlette. 

They  had  three  children. 

A.  George,                          B.  Luman, 

C.  Amelia, 

6.  Jerusha  (Thayer). 

Married  Arnold  Thayer. 

They  have  six  children. 

A.  Porter,                         C.  William, 

E.  Nelly, 

B.  Nelson,                       D.  Jerusha, 

F.  Mary. 

7.  Mary  (Butterfield). 

Married  David  Butterfield. 

This  family  went  to  the  West.     They  had 

several  children, 

but  of  them  we  can  obtain  no  record. 

8.  Sallie  (Sheldon). 

Married  Isaac  Sheldon. 

They  have  no  children. 



Samuel  Tilley. 

Born  in  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.,  about  1740. 

Married  Mary  Morgan,  of  Brooklyn,  in  1765. 

Genealogy  of  the   Tilley  Family.  39 

Samuel  Tilley  left  Brooklyn  with  the  Loyalists  in  1783, 
and  settled  in  the  parish  of  Gagetown,  Queen's  County,  New 
Brunswick,  where  he  died  in  1820.  His  widow  died  at 
Portland,  N.  B.,  in  1834;  age,  84  years. 

Children  of  Samuel  and  Mary  Tilley. 

1.  James,  2.  Jacob,  3.  Elizabeth, 

1.  James  Tilley. 
Born  September  7th,  1773  ;  died  November  23d,  1850. 
Married  Mary  Chace.     She  was  born  April  7th,  1776  ;  died 
July  7th,  1866." 

Children  of  James  and  Mary  Tilley. 
i.   Anna,  5.   Phebe, 

2.  Thomas  M.,  e.  Samuel, 

3.  James,  '     #  7-  Charles, 

4.  Rebecca,  ».  Jacob. 

i.Anna  (Morse). 
Born  January  5th,  17P3 ;  died  April  18th,  1827. 
Married  Benjamin  Morse,  September  5th,  1811.      They  re- 
moved to  Ohio,  U.  S.,  where  they  both  died.     Some  of  their 
children  still  reside  in  Ohio. 

2.     Thomas  M.  Tilley. 
Born  November  3d,  1795;  died  April  23d,  1871. 
Married  Susan  Ann  Peters.  April  5th,  1817. 
They  have  one  child. 
A.  Samuel  L.  Tilley. 

A.  Samuel  L.  Tilley.* 
Born  in  Gagetown,  New  Brunswick,  May  8th,  1818. 

Married  Julia  Handford,  of  St.  John&. 

♦Samuel  Leonard  Tilley-^-Canadian  Statesman;  Educated  at  the  Grammar 
School;  Entered  the  assembly  from  St.  Johns,  N.  B.,  in  1851;  member  of  the 
Government  and  Provincial  Secretary  of  N.  B.,  November,  1854— May,  1855;  re- 
appointed in  July,  1857,  and  was  leader  of  the  Government  and  Provincial  Sec- 
retary, April,  1866;  delegate  to  Canada  upon  the  question  of  Inter  Colonial  trade 
and  railways,  1861;  to  the  imperial  Government  on  the  same  subject,  1861-2,  and 
in  1866-7,  minister  of  Customs  in  the  Dominion  Government,  1867-75;  appointed 
Lieut.  Gov.,  1875;  minister  of  Finance,  1878. 

40  G-eneology  of  the  Tilley  Family. 

3.  James  Tilley. 

Born  February  24th,  1798  ;  died 

Married  Sarah  Briggs,  January  24th,  1822. 

4.  Rebecca  Tilley. 
Born  September  29th,  1801  ;  died  August  20th,- 

o.  Phebe  Tilley. 
Born  February  21st,  1804  ;    died  June  25th,  1869. 
Married  Samuel  L.  Peters,  March  25th,  1825. 

e.  Samuel  Tilley. 
Born  August  5th,  1809. 
Married  Anna  Goucher,  September  24th,  1835. 

Children  of  Samuel  and  Anna  Tilley. 

A.  Mary  A.,  D.  Thomas  H., 

B.  Anna  M.,  E.  Ella  G., 

C.  Samuel  L.,  F.  Annie  L. 

A.  Mary  (Goucher). 
Married  Ambrose  Goucher. 

B.  Anna  M.  (Baker). 
Married  R.  Baker. 
They  had  one  child. 

C.  Samuel  L.  Tilley. 
Married  E'iza  Wiswell. 

Children  of  Samuel  and  Eliza  Tilley. 

a.  Harris  A.,  c.  Frederick, 

b.  Mary  A.,  d.  Fanny  H. 

Genealogy  of  the  Tilley  Family. 


D.  Thomas  H.  Tilley, 
Married  Levina  Phinney. 
They  have  one  child. 
Harry  Clifford. 

E,  Ella  G.  (Goucher). 
Married  Inglis  Goucher. 
They  have  two  children. 
Laura  G., 

Leonard  G. 

F.  Annie  L.  Tilley, 
No  record  received  of  her. 

7.  Charles  Tilley. 

Rovn   Arm'l  9th    1812-   rlipr! 


Married  Ann  Plummer,  February  20th,  1834. 

g.  Jacob  Tilley. 
Born  April  10th,  1815  ;    died  December 


,  1856. 

Married  Elizabeth  Allurton,  September 



2.  Jacob  Tilley. 
Married  Charlotte  Nicholson. 
They  had  five  children. 





3.  Elizabeth  Tilley. 
Married  Jeremiah  Gove. 
They  had  three  children. 
David,                                 Charles, 



John  Tilley  of  England. 

William  Tilley 
of  England. 

John  Tilley 
of  England. 

William,  John,  James, 

The  three  brothers  who  came  from 
England  to  work  for  their  cousin 
William,  the  Rope-maker  of 
Boston,  Mass. 






The  youngest  brother, 

James  Tilley,  the  youngest  of  the  three  brothers,  was  born 
about  1686.  \  After  the  death  of  his  cousin  William,  he  left 
Boston  and  settled  in  New  London,  about  1718.  The  first 
record  we  find  of  him  in  this  place  is  in  1725,  when  he  gave 
X10  towards  the  erection  of  the  First  Episcopal  Church,  of 
New  London.  He  was  not  married  until  May  27th,  1742,  at 
which  time  he  married  Hannah,  daughter  of  John  Savel,  of 
New  London.  No  record  of  the  birth  or  death  of  his  wife 
can  be  found,  nor  of  his  death. 

Grenealogy  of  the  Tilley  Family.  43 

Children  of  James  and  Hannah  Tilley. 

1.  Mary,  2.  James, 

3.  John. 

1.  Mary  Tilley. 
Born  in  New  London,  March  20th,  1743. 
No  record  of  her  marriage  or  death  can  be  found. 

2.  James  Tilley. 

Born  in  New  London,  November  24th,  1744. 

Married,  first,  Mary,  daughter  of  Jeremiah  Miller,  of  New 

London,September,  1771.  They  had  four  children  all  of  whom 

were  born  in  New  London.    Mary,  his  wife,  died  September, 


Children  of  James  and  Mary  Tilley. 
i.  Elizabeth,  s.   William, 

2.  James,  4.  Mary. 

1.  Elizabeth  Tilley. 
Born  April  16th,  1773;  died  February  11th,  1791. 

2.  James  Tilley. 
Born  May  28th,  1777  ;  died . 

3.  William  Tilley. 

Born  January  7th,  1781  ;  died . 

Married  Jerusha  Huntington,  of  Norwich,  Conn.  She 
was  born,  1771,  and  died  in  Newport,  R.  I.,  September  10th, 

They  had  two  children. 
A.  James,  B.    Minerva. 

A.  James  Tilley. 
Born  in  New  London,  Conn.,  1818  ;  died  in  Newport,    R.  I., 
June  17th,  1848. 

B.  Minerva  (Short). 

44  Genealogy  of  the  Tilley  Family. 

Born  in  New  London  ;  died  in  France. 
Married  Captain  William  Short. 

4.  Mary  Tilley. 

Born  October  17th,  1783;  died . 

James  Tilley,  married  for  his   second  wife   Elizabeth,  the 
sister  of  his  first  wife,  June  15th,  1797. 

They  had  two  children. 
&.  Jeremiah  MM                          —  B.  George. 

5.  Jeremiah  M.  Tilley. 
Born  January  6th,  1798;  died . 

6.  George  Tilley. 
Born  July  7th,  1799;  died- 

The  record  of  James  Tilley,  the  youngest  of  the  three 
brothers,  is  brief  and  incomplete.  We  can  not  find  any  of 
his  descendants  now  living.  Tilley  Street,  New  London,  was 
named  after  Mr.  James  Tilley,  Sr.,  who  was  a  large  property 
holder  in  that  city  and  the  principal  West  India  merchant 
in  his  vicinity.  James  and  John,  his  sons,  were  partners  and 
carried  on  their  father's  business  after  his  death. 

-^IDDI'FieN?  M®  GQVWWWZ-**' 

Since  the  preceding  pages  have  been  in  print  we  have  ob- 
tained the  following  information,  filling  the  blanks  in  many 
places  where  we  had  given  up  hopes  of  ever  receiving  the 
full  record. 

Page  P. — William  James  Tilley,  son  of  Stockford  E.  and 
Phebe  Tilley.  Married  Mary  Ann  Gray,  January  7th,  1874. 
She  was  born  in  Dublin,  Ireland,  July  15th,  1851.  The 
dates  of  the  birth  of  his  children  should  read  as  follows  : 

Edwin  E.  Tilley,  born  May  10th,  1875. 

Grace  M«  Tilley,  born  January  20th,  1877. 

Emma  M.  Tilley,  born  March  27th,  1878  ;  died  October 
16th,  1878. 

Page  10. — Stephen  Smith,  husband,  of  Mary  Ann,  died 
September  9th,  1853  ;  age,  72  years. 

Page  10. — Thomas  R.  Tilley,  son  of  Thomas  and  Mary 
Tilley,  died  May  29th,  1866  ;  his  wife  died  September  2d, 
1877  ;  age,  87  years. 

The  dates  of  the  birth  and  death  of  their  children  are  as 
follows  : 

2.  William  R.  Tilley,  born  1821;  died  September  27th, 

3.  Thomas  Tilley,  born  1824;  died  February  24th,  1826. 

4.  Mary  Ann  Tilley,  born  1825  ;  died  August  21st,  1846. 

5.  Mercy  Tilley,  born  1828  ;  died  June  15th,  1843. 

6.  Thomas  Tilley,  born  1831  ;  died  April  16th,  1837. 
Page  20. — The  name  Chace  on  this  page  should  read  Chase. 
Page  22. — George  Tilley,  eleventh  child  of  Abraham   D. 

and  Ruth  N.  Tilley,  was  born  February  11th,  1824  ;  he  mar- 
ried Frances,  daughter  of  Richard  Cove,  of  Iowa,  Decem- 
ber 27th,  1860.  She  was  born  March  1st,  1841.  They  have 
only  one  child,  Joseph  Boutelle  Tilley,  born  January  13th, 
1868.  « 

Page  29. — For  Capt.  Daniel  Burdick,  read  Jh&mBurdick. 

•*TflE  ]WE  §F  JFIWiEY*- 

is  first  found  on  the  roll  of  the  companions  of  William  the 
Conqueror  of  England,  in  1066.  Since  that  date  it  is  promi- 
nent in  every  county  of  England,  France  and  Holland,  and 
since  1620  in  America.  We  do  not  pretend  to  find  the  origin 
of  the  name,  but  it  is  supposed  to  be  French.  The  coat 
of  arms  of  the  Tilleys  of  France  is  the  same  as  of 
the  family  of  England  to-day,  and  we  present  the  same 
in  the  first  pages  of  this  book.  The  coat  of  arms  of  the 
Tillys  of  Holland  is  different  and  we  can  not,  believe  that 
they  are  of  our  family.  In  looking  for  prominent  men  bear- 
ing the  name  of  Tilley,  we  find  several  who  have  been  dis- 
tinguished for  their  eccentricity.  The  most  noted  of  them 
is  John  Tilley,  a  celebrated  general,  who  descended  from 
a  noble  famity  of  Brussells.  He  was  born  in  1559  at  Castle 
Tilley,  in  South  Brabrant.  At  an  early  age,  he  entered  the 
Society  of  Jesuits,  which  he  quitted  for  the  military  profes- 
sion. After  having  signalized  his  courage  in  the  imperial  ser- 
vice of  Hungary  against  the  Turks,  he  commanded  the  troops 
of  Bavaria,  under  Duke  Maximilian,  and  distinguished 
himself  in  several  battles  from  1620-32.  Tilley  was  a  little, 
ugly  man, with  red  hair,  large  whiskers,  a  pale  face  and  pierc- 
ing eyes.  He  preserved  the  manners  of  a  monk,  and  when 
at  the  head  of  an  army  was  sober  and  continent.  He  was 
an  enemy  to  parade  and  used  to  accompany  the  march  of  his 
troops  in  dishabille  mounted  upon  a  palfrey.  He  died  of  a 
wound  received  at  the  battle  against  the  Swedish  King, 
April  5  th,  1632. 

G-enealogy  of  the   Tilley  Family*  47 

Another  eccentric  Tilley  was  Sir  Knight  James  Tilley,  of 
Penntillie  Castle,  in  the  county  of  Cornwall,  England.  He 
was  born  in  1712,  and  is  known  in  history  as  a  celebrated 
atheist  of  the  last  age.  He  was  a  man  of  wit,  and  had  by 
rote  all  the  ribaldry  and  common-place  gibes  against  relig- 
ion and  scripture  which  are  well  suited  to  display  rashness 
and  folly,  and  to  unsettle  a  giddy  mind,  but  are  an  offence  to 
men  of  sense.  The  brilliancy  of  Mr.  Tilley's  wit,  however? 
led  him  to  a  degree  farther  than  we  often  meet  with  in  the 
annals  of  profaneness  in  general.  The  witty  atheist  in  gener- 
al is  satisfied  with  entertaining  his  contemporaries,  but  Mr. 
Tilley  wished  to  have  his  sprightliness  known  to  posterity. 
With  this  view,  in  ridicule  of  the  resurrection  he  obliged  his 
executors  to  place  his  dead  body  in  his  usual  garb  and  in  his 
elbow  chair  ;  the  chair  to  be  placed  in  a  large  iron  bowl, 
upon  the  top  of  a  hill  and  to  arrange  on  a  table  before  him 
pen,  ink,  paper,  &c.  ;  in  this  situation  he  ordered  himself  to 
be  immured  in  a  tower  of  such,  dimensions  as  he  prescribed, 
where  he  proposed,  he  said,  patiently  to  wait  the  coming  of 
the  resurrection  morn.  All  this  was  done,  and  the  tower, 
still  enclosing  its  tenant,  remains  a  monument  of  his  impiety 
and  profaneness. 

Other  Tilley s  have  been  found  who  were  not  unlike  Sir 
John  and  Sir  James  in  their  eccentricities,  but  our  space  for- 
bids that  we  mention  more. 

-Hfcfp  JFII1I1EY3  I]5  flUETO.: 


The  first  of  the  name  of  Tilley  In  America  are  Edward 
and  John,  who  came  with  their  families  in  the  "May  Flower," 
in  1620.  Edward  Tilley  and  Ann,  his  wife,  both  died  during 
the  severe  winter  of  1620-21.  Henry  Sampson  and  Humility 
Cooper,  their  cousins,  came  with  them.  The  descendants  of 
Henry  Sampson  can  be  traced  to  the  present  day.  Humility 
Cooper  returned  to  England  in  the  spring  of  1621. 

John  Tilley  and  Elizabeth,  his  wife,  both  died  during  the 
winter  of  1620-21.  Elizabeth,  their  daughter,  married  John 
Howland  on  board  of  the  "May  Flower"  before  their  arrival. 
The  descendants  of  John  and  Elizabeth  Howland  can  be 
traced  to  the  present  day,  and  we  find  that  Benjamin  How- 
land, Esq.,  formerly  city  clerk  of  Newport,  R.  I.,  was  a  mem- 
ber of  this  family. 

It  has  been  supposed  that  the  Tilley s  now  living  in  this 
country  are  descendants  of  John  and  Edward  Tilley,  who 
came  over  in  the  "May  Flower,"  but  such  can  not  be  the 
case,  as  Mr.  Edward  Tilley  and  his  wife  both  died  a  few 
months  after  their  arrival,  leaving  no  children  ;  the  other 
two  members  of  his  family  were  children  of  his  aunt  whose 
marriage  we  find  in  the  English  register.  She  wasthe  widow 
of  Henry  Sampson,  and  afterwards  married  Richard  Cooper. 
Richard    Cooper    and  his  wife    both  died  in  the  spring  of 

Greneology  of  the  Tilley  Family.  49 

1618,  and  their  only  child,  Humility,  was  no  doubt  placed 
under  the  care  of  their  nephew,  Edward  Tilley,  who  brought 
her,  with  her  half-brother  Henry,  with  him  to  America.  Of 
the  famity  of  John  Tilley  but  little  can  be  said,  as  he  and  his 
wife  both  died  during  the  winter  of  1620-21,  leaving  only 
one  child,  Elizabeth,  who  had  married  John  Howland. 

In  1623,  we  find  that  another  John  Tilley  arrived  at  Cape 
Ann  from  England  ;  but  little  can  be  found  relating  to  him, 
except  that  he  was  appointed  superintendent  of  a  large  fish- 
ing interest  at  Cape  Ann  in  1624,  and  in  1630,  he  is  no  doubt 
the  same  person  who  was  admitted  a  freeman  in  Dorchester, 
Mass.  He  was  killed  by  the  Pequot  Indians,  October,  25th, 

In  1629,  Hugh  Tilley  came  from  England,  and  he  is  men- 
tioned as  being  a  servant  to  Sir  Richard  Saltinstall,  who  set- 
tled in  Salem,   Mass. 

In  1635,  Nathaniel  Tilley  was  registered  as  a  passenger  on 
the  ship  Abigail,  and  as  being  thirty-two  years  of  age. 

In  1635,  in  the  same  ship  Abigail,  William  Tilley,  aged 
twenty  years,  came  from  England.  He  was  no  doubt  the 
cousin  of  William  Tilley,  the  rope-maker  of  Boston. 

Thomas  Tilley  is  mentioned  as  being  in  Plymouth  in  1649, 
but  of  him  no  further  record  can  be  found. 

From  1649  up  to  the  arrival  of  William  Tilley,  the  rope- 
maker,  the  name  of  Tilley  is  mentioned  in  connection  with 
some  others,  showing  that  they  were  servants  of  those  with 
whom  they  came. 

WIMiOT  TII1I1EY,  THE  ^0PE-ja^KE^  0F  B8$TON. 

William  Tille}^  who  arrived  in  this  country  in  1660,  was 
a  rope-maker  by  trade.  He  settled  in  Boston,  Mass.,  and 
bought  a  large  tract  of  land,  south  of  Milk  street  near  what 
was  then  called  "  Cow  Lane."  Here  he  erected  a  large  rope- 
walk.  The  street  east  of  this  rope-walk  was  called 
"  Tilley's  Lane,"  and  the  wharf  near  his  land  was  called 
"  Tilley's  Wharf." 

William  Tilley  married  Isabella ,  by    whom  he  had 

two  children,  Isabella  and  Grace.  Mrs.  Tilley  died  January 
13th,  1702.  His  second  wife,  Abigail  Woodmancy,  he  married 
May  27th,  1703.  She  survived  him  and  married  Judge 
Samuel  Sewall,  October  19th,  1718.  Of  her,  Jeremy  Dummer, 
of  London,  in  a  letter  to  Judge  Sewall,  May  13th,  1720, 
speaks  as  follows  :  "  I  heartily  congratulate  you  upon  your 
happy  marriage  with  Mrs.  Tilley.  I  have  had  an  esteem  for 
her  character  ever  since  my  being  at  Cambridge,  where  I  was 
a  witness  of  her  great  goodness  in  pleading  with  her  father 
for  an  unfortunate  brother,  getting  him  restored  to  favor, 
though  by  that  means  she  knew  how  much  she  must  lose  in 
her  own  fortune.  I  would  not  mention  this  melancholly 
story,  bnt  it  much  illustrates  my  honoured  kinswoman's 
merit."  The  date  of  her  death  is  not  known.  There  is  no 
record  of  any  children  of  William  Tilley  by  his  second  wife. 
The  date  of  his  death  can  not  be  accurately  determined,  but 
from  his  will,  we  judge  that  he  died  between  November  14th 
and  December  9th,  1717.  The  following  is  a  correct  copy  of 
his  will,  recorded  in  the  Records  in  the  Probate  office  in 
Boston,  Mass.  It  was  this  will  that  created  such  a  sensation 
in  the  family  some  thirty  years  ago. 

Will  ofWilliam  Tilley  of  Boston. 


This  fourteenth  day  of  November,  Anno  Domini  One  thousand  seven 
hundred  and  seventeen,  I,  William  Tilley  of  Boston,  in  the  County  of  Suf- 
folk in  New  England,  Kope-maker,  being  of  sound  Disposing  mind  and 
memory,  tho'  visited  with  sickness  and  considering  that  the  time  of  my  abode 
here  in  this  world  is  short,  and  to  be  very  uncertain,  Do  therefore  make 
and  ordain  this  my  last  Will  and  Testament  in  manner  following,  That  is 
to  say — 

First  of  all  I  commend  and  resign  my  spirit  into  the  Hands  of  God  my 
Heavenly  Father  hoping  to  obtain  the  Pardon  of  my  many  fold  Transgres- 
sions and  to  Inherit  Eternal  Life  thro  the  Merits  Death  and  passion  and  pre- 
vailing Intercession  of  my  Blessed  Lord  and  Savior  Jesus  Christ;  my  Body 
I  desire  may  be  Decently  Interred  at  the  Discretion  of  my  Executrixes  and 
as  touching  such  Temporal  Estate  as  God  in  his  Providence  hath  Betrusted 
me  withal  I  will  and  Dispose  thereof  in  the  following  manner  and  form, 
viz. : — 

Imprimis — I  will  that  all  my  just  Debts  and  Funeral  Expences  be  well  and 
truly  paid  within  convenient  time  after  my  Decease. 

Item.  I  give  unto  my  Brother  John  Tilley  living  at  Edford  in  Devonshire 
[n  Great  Britain  the  sum  of  twenty  pounds  and  to  all  his  Children  which 
shall  survive  me  and  be  living  at  Great  Britain  at  the  time  of  my  death  the 
sum  of  three  pounds  a  peice. 

Item.     I  give  to  my  sister  Elinor  Tilley  of  Edford  aforesd.  Ten  Pounds. 

Item.  I  give  to  my  cousin  William  Tilley  Junr.  of  Boston  aforesaid  Rope- 
maker  the  sum  of  Twenty  pounds,  and  forgive  him  what  he  ows  me  by 
Book  or  otherwise. 

Item.  I  give  to  my  son  in  Law  Jonas  Clark  of  sd  Boston  Brasier  the  sum 
of  Twenty  Pounds  In  token  of  my  Good  will  towards  him  all  which  Lega- 
cys  are  to  be  paid  within  one  year  after  my  decease  in  Bills  of  credit  on  this 

Item.  I  give  to  my  kinsman  James  Tilley  (who  now  lives  with  me)  the 
sum  of  nifty  pounds  to  be  paid  when  and  so  soon  as  he  attains  the  age  of 
twenty  one  years. 

Item.  I  give  five  pounds  to  the  poor  of  the  South  Church  in  Boston,  to 
which  I  belong,  and  order  my  Executors  to  pay  the  said  sum  to  my  Overseer 
Daniel  Oliver  Esqr. ,  to  be  distributed  by  him  to  such  of  them  as  he  shall 
think  fit  and  requisite. 

52  Genealogy  of  the   Tilley  Family* 

Item.  My  will  is  That  my  Loving  wife  Abigail  Tilley  shall  forever  have 
hold  Enjoy  and  Convert  to  her  own  use  all  such  estate  as  I  may  any  ways 
lay  any  claim  to  by  virtue  of  my  marriage  to  her  so  that  she  hath  free  liberty 
to  Dispose  of  every  thing  that  she  hath  or  is  in  my  possession,  that  was  her 
late  Fathers  or  Mothers  who  are  both  deceased.  And  further  my  will  is 
That  my  wife  shall  have  the  free  use  Income  and  Improvement  of  One  half 
of  all  my  estate  as  well  Ileal  as  personal  so  long  as  she  continues  my  widow. 
But  in  case  of  her  Inter  marriage  I  only  Give  her  the  use  and  benefit  of  one 
third  party  of  my  Estate  from  thenceforth  and  for  so  long  time  after  as  she 
shall  live. 

Item.  I  give  Devise  and  Bequeath  unto  my  two  Daughters  Isabella  Arrni- 
tage  and  Grace  Clarke  and  to  their  Heirs  and  assigns  forever  to  be  Equally 
Divided  between  them  All  the  remainder  of  my  Estate  as  well  Real  as  Per- 
sonal wheresoever  the  same  is  lying  or  may  be  found,  and  also  what  shall 
remain  upon  the  Inter  marriage  or  Decease  of  my  wife — Only  it  is  to  be  un- 
derstood That  in  case  my  said  Daugters  shall  dye  without  Issue  Then  I  give 
unto  my  two  cousins  William  Tilley  and  James  Tilley  aforenamed  and  to 
their  heirs  and  assigns  forever  in  Equal  halves  All  my  Ropewalk  in  Boston 
aforesd.  with  the  work  house  and  buildings  thereto  appertaining  and  all  the 
privileges  and  appurtenances  thereto  belonging  and  which  were  by  me  usually 
therewith  used  occupied  and  enjoyed. 

Lastly.  I  do  hereby  ordain  and  appoint  my  Loving  wife  and  Daughters 
Isabella  and  Grace  Executrixes  of  this  my  last  will,  and  my  worthy  friends 
Daniel  Oliver  and  William  Welsteed  Esqrs.  overseers  thereof  Declaring  and 
making  void  all  former  and  other  wills  by  me  made  In  testimony  whereof  I 
have  hereunto  set  my  hand  and  seal  the  day  and  year  first  before  written. 

WILLIAM  TILLEY.         (Seal). 

Signed  sealed  and  delivered  Published  and  Declared  by  the  Testator,  to  be 
his  last  will  and  Testament  in  presence  of  us  witnesses,  the  words  (Inter 
marriage  or)  being  first  interlined. 

Edwd.  Gray,  Saml.  Adams,  Samuel  Tyley  Junr. 

Suffolk  ss. 

The  aforegoing  will  being  presented  for  Probate  by  Abigail 
Tilley  one  of  the  Executrixes  within  named  Edward  Gray  and  Samuel  Tyley 
Junr.  made  oath  that  they  saw  William  Tilley  the  subscriber  of  the  forego- 
ing Instrument  sign  seal  and  heard  him  publish  and  Declare  the  same  to  be 
his  last  will  and  Testament  and  that  when  he  so  did  he  was  of  sound  dispos- 
ing mind  and  memory  according  to  these  Deponts.  best  discerning  and  that 
they  (together  with  Samuel  Adams  detained  from  appearing  by  sickness) 
set  to  their  names  as  witnesses  thereof  in  the  Testators  presence. 


Boston,  December  9th,  1717. 

A  true  copy 


Elijah  George,  Register. 

TJIE  DEJSCE]SD7ip^  0F  WmLI^M,  f  JIE  EIiDEgf 

As  before  stated  but  little  is  known  of  William  Tilley  and 
bis  wife  Dorcas.  His  son,  Deacon  William  Tilley,  Jr.,  born 
in  Newport,  R.  I.,  October  19th,  1738,  was  a  man  well  known 
in  his  native  town.  He,  like  his  father  and  cousin,  was  a 
rope-maker,  and  owned  all  the  land  east  from  the  Jewish 
synagogue  on  Touro  street  to  the  burial  ground  on  Kay 
street,  on  which  his  extensive  rope-walks  were  situated. 
His  place  of  residence  was  about  where  now  stands  the  house 
of  Councilman  Nathan  Barker  on  Elizabeth  street  near  the 
Jewish  cemetery. 

Deacon  Tilley  was  married,  in  1759,  to  Elizabeth,  daughter 
of  Jeremiah  Rogers,  of  Middle  town,  R.  I.  They  had  seven- 
teen children,  thirteen  of  whom  lived  to  grow  up  and  marry. 
The  boys  all  worked  for  their  father  at  the  rope-walk  and 
continued  the  business  after  his  death.  After  the  death  of 
his  first  wife,  Deacon  Tilley  married  Catharine  Sabine,  of 
Rehoboth,  Mass.  To  his  third  wife,  Elizabeth  Boone,  he  was 
married  November  3d,*  1821.  He  had  no  children  by  his 
second  and  third  wives.  "  The  Newport  Mercury,"  of  Novem- 
ber 10th,  1821,  this  speaks  of  his  third  marriage  :  "  Married, 
on  Sunda}7  last  by  Rev.  Mr.  Northup,  Deacon  William 
Tilley  of  this  town,  age  84  years,  to  Widow  Elizabeth  Boone, 
age  73  years.  The  Deacon  has  had  seventeen  children, 
ninety  grandchildren  and  thirty  great-grandchildren,  and 
his  oldest  child  living  is  now  62  years  old."  He  lived  but  a 
few  years  after  his  third  marriage. 

Deacon  Tilley  died  April  14th,  1825,    and  was  buried   in 

54  G-enealogy  of  the  Tilley  Family. 

the  old  cemetery  at  Newport,  R.  I.,  on  the  spot  selected  by 
him  as  the  family  burial  ground ;  and  now  can  be  seen  with- 
in a  few  feet  of  his  grave,  no  less  than  forty-six  graves  of  his 
descendants.  The  following  from  "The  Newport  Mercury," 
of  April  20th,  1825,  pays  a  fitting  tribute  to  his  memory : — 
"  Died,  on  Sunday  last,  Deacon  William  Tilley,  age  87  years. 
If  60  years  of  a  conscientious  discharge  of  religious  and  moral 
duties,  joined  to  the  endearing  and  affectionate  domestic  ties 
of  husband,  father,  son,  brother  and  friends,  shall  claim  from 
our  all  wise  and  beneficent  Creator,  reward  and  mercy,  he 
now  enjoys  all  the  heavenly  felicity  promised  b}T  the  Gospel 
of  Christ.  His  life  was  a  life  of  piety  and  usefulness,  and  to 
the  last  moments  of  that  life,  his  faith  and  confidence  was 
unshaken  in  Christ,  the  Son  of  God.  He  left  a  numerous 
progeny  as  well  as  numerous  friends,  to  mourn  his  departure, 
10  children,  79  grandchildren   and    44  great-grandchildren." 

We  copy  from  the  grave  stones  of  Deacon  William  Tilley 
and  his  three  wives  the  following  inscriptions  : 

In  Memory  of 
Dea  William  Tilley 
Who  Died  Aoril  14,  1825 
age  86  years. 

Having  for  60  years  manifested  by  his  daily  walk  and  con- 
versation that  he  was  a  disciple  of  our  Lord  and  Saviour 
Jesus  Christ,  faithful  in  the  discharge  of  his  duty  as  a  chris- 
tian, especially  in  the  office  of  a  deacon,  to  which  he  was 
early  called  by  the  2d  Baptist  Church,  under  the  pastoral 
care  of  Elder  Gardiner  Thurston. 

The  hoary  head  is  a  Crown  of  Glory  when  found  in  the 
ways  of  righteousness. 

In  Memory  of 

Elizabeth,  wife  of 

Dea  William  Tilley 

Who  died  Aug  28 

1800.     Aged  57  years. 

Grenealogy  of  the  Tilley  Family. 


Comely  as  Rachel,  fruitful  as  Leah, 
Prudent  as  Abigail,  with  Martha's  care  ; 
Wise  like  Mary  she  chose   that  better  part, 
True  faith  in  Christ,  and  had  a  Lydia's  heart. 

to  the  memory  of 
2  wife  of 
Deacon  William  Tilley. 
She  died  Oct.  15  1817 
age  73. 
Through  the  vicissitudes  of  life,  from  youth 
She  pious  walked  the  paths  of  peace  and  truth. 
Rich  in  good   works  and  faith,  she  lived  and  died. 
Tranquil  in  death,  and  come  now  Lord  she  cried, 
Receive  my  spirit,  the  spirit  wings  it  way 
To  God,  who  gave,  to  reign  in  Endless  day. 

In  Memory   of 

Elizabeth  Tilley 

Relect  of  the  late  • 

Dea  William   Tilley 

Who  died  Jan  3  1836 

aged  86  years. 

Long  was  my  sojoin  in  the  vale  of  tears 
And  oft  I  tasted  sorrows  bitter  cup, 
Yet  mild  and  sweet  the  draught,  compared  to  His 
Who  took  the  very  dregs,  and  drank  it  up. 
Upon  his  breast  I  leaned  my  aching  head 
When  by  afflictions  my  heart  was  riven, 
I  felt  him  near  when  on  my  dying  bed 
And  low  beheld  him  face  to  face  in  Heaven. 
The  will  of  Deacon  William  Tilley  being  a  very  interest- 
ing document,  we  give  it  in  full.     The  pictures  of  Deacon 
William  Tilley  and  his  second  wife    mentioned  in    his    will, 
are  still  on  their  journey  from  house  to  house  where  they  are 
to  remain  one  year  in  the  custody   of  each  of  his  children 
and  grandchildren. 

Will  of  Deacon  William  Tilley. 

In  the  name  of  God,  Amen.  I,  William  Tilley,  of  Newport  in  the  county 
of  Newport  and  State  of  Ehode  Island,  being  tolerably  well  as  to  bodily 
health,  so  as  to  be  about,  but  far  advanced  in  years,  rather  above  the  age  of 
men  in  general  and  of  a  sound  disposing  mind,  memory  and  understanding 
and  seriously  considering  the  uncertainty  of  this  transitory  life,  knowing 
that  it  is  appointed  for  all  men  once  to  die,  being  desirous  of  settling  my 
worldly  concerns,  do  now  while  I  have  my  reason  and  understanding  make 
this  my  last  Will  and  Testament,  in  manner  and  form  following  : — 

Imprimis — My  mind  and  will  is,  that  all  my  just  debts  and  funeral  ex- 
penses be  paid  as  soon  as  may  be  after  my  decease. 

Item.  I  give  and  bequeath  unto  my  grandchildren,  children  of  my  late  son 
Thomas  Tilley,  deceased,  the  sum  of  One  Thousand  Dollars  first  deducting 
therefrom  what  my  said  son  Thomas  Tilley,  his  widow  and  Children  may 
be  indebted  to  me,  either  by  note  or  book-account,  &c,  to  be  divided  between 
them  share  and  share  alike  equally,  and  whatever  balance  may  befound  due 
to  them  at  my  decease  to  be  paid  in  one  year  after  my  decease.  Also  the 
twelfth  part  of  One  Thousand  Dollars  which  my  late  wife,  Catharine 
Tilley,  deceased,  gave  to  Mary  Tilley,  widow  of  my  son  Thomas  Tilley, 
deceased  and  her  children  to  be  paid  after  my  decease. 

Item.  I  give  and  devise  to  my  sons  William  Tilley,  Jr.,  and  John  T. 
Tilley,  my  rope-walk  where  they  now  work  with  the  tools  and  implements 
of  Kopemaking  and  the  land  whereon  the  same  stands,  with  the  privilege  of 
Ropemaking  and  repairing  with  their  yarn  through  my  land  to  the  Tar 
House  given  my  late  son  Thomas  and  the  said  William  and  John,  also  I  give 
the  said  William  and  John  T.  Tilley  a  small  piece  of  land  of  the  upper  end 
of  the  rope-walk  bounded  on  Griffin  street  about  20  feet  from  the  upper  end 
of  the  rope-walk  to  have  and  to  hold  to  them  equally  and  to  their  heirs  and 

Item. — I  also  give  and  bequeath  unto  my  son  Wm.  Tilley,  Jr.,  the  sum  of 
Four  Hundred  Dollars  to  be  paid  in  the  second  dividend  of  my  estate  with 
interest  until  paid,  which  with  one  half  of  the  ropewalk  makes  Nine  Hun- 
dred Dollars  which  is  the  sum  of  the  first  Dividend  of  my  estate  given  to 
each  of  my  children.     I  also  give  unto  the  said  William  Tilley,  Jr.,  my  best 

Crenealogy  of  the  Tilley  Family.  57 

Mahogany  Desk  ;  also  one  twelfth  part  of  One  Thousand  Dollars  which 
my  late  wife,  Catharine  Tilley,  gave  him  at  my  decease. 

Item.  I  give  and  bequeath  unto  my  son  John  T.  Tilley  the  sum  of  Four 
Hundred  Dollars,  to  be  paid  in  the  2d  dividend  of  my  estate  with  interest 
until  paid,  which  with  one-half  of  the  rope-walk  makes  nine  hundred  dollars 
which  is  the  first  dividend  of  my  estate  given  each  of  my  children.  I  also 
give  to  the  said  John  T.  Tilley,  my  Mahogany  Desk  in  my  son  William's 
hands  ;  also  the  one  twelfth  part  of  One  Thousand  Dollars  which  my 
late  wife,  Catharine  Tilley,  deceased,  gave  him  at  my  decease. 

Item.  I  give  and  bequeath  unto  my  sons,  Abraham  D.  Tilley  and 
George  Tilley,  the  sum  of  Nine  Hundred  Dollars  each  and  what  they  shall 
be  deficient  to  me  in  the  first  dividend  of  my  estate,  they  to  be  accountable 
to  my  executors  with  interest  at  4  per  cent  until  paid;  also  to  each  of  them 
one  twelfth  part  of  One  Thousand  Dollars  which  my  late  wife,  Catharine 
Tilley,  deceased,  gave  them  at  my  decease. 

Item.  I  give  and  bequeath  unto  my  son  Benjamin  Tilley  the  sum  of  Nine 
Hundred  Dollars  after  deducting  what  he  owes  me,  the  balance  to  be  paid 
him  one  year  after  my  decease  with  interest  at  4  per  cent. 

Item.  I  give  and  devise  unto  my  two  daughters,  Mary  Swinburne  and 
Dorcas  Cook,  my  lot  of  land  with  the  dwelling-house  and  the  buildings 
thereon  standing,  which  I  purchased  of  Joseph  Tillinghast  and  others ;  also 
the  grass  lot  adjoining  which  I  purchased  of  Jethro  Briggs,  to  hold  to 
them  equally  the  said  Mary  and  Dorcas  to  them,,  their  heirs  and  assigns, 
they  to  have  possession  thereof  in  one  month  after  my  decease ;  also  to  each 
of  them  one  twelfth  part  of  One  Thousand  Dollars  which  my  late  wife 
Catharine  gave  them  at  my  decease. 

Item.  I  give  and  bequeath  unto  my  daughter,  Sarah  Burroughs,  the  sum 
of  Eight  Hundred  Dollars,  after  deducting  what  her  husband,  Green  bur- 
roughs, is  indebted  to  me  by  note,  book-account  or  otherwise;  also  the  one 
twelfth  part  of  One  Thousand  Dollars  which  my  wife,  Catharine  Tilley, 
deceased,  gave  her  at  my  decease. 

Item.  I  give,  devise  and  bequeath  unto  my  daughter,  Elizabeth  Cook, 
the  lot  of  land  and  dwelling-house  and  other  buildings  thereon  standing 
where  my  late  son  Thomas  Tilley  formerly  lived,  to  have  and  to  hold  to  her, 
her  heirs  and  assigns ;  also  one  twelfth  part  of  One  Thousand  Dollars  which 
my  late  wife,  Catherine,  gave  her  at  my  decease;  she  (the  said  Elizabeth 
Cook),  her  heirs  and  assigns  to  have  the  privilege  of  fetching  water  from 
the  well  of  water  at  the  house  where  I  now  live. 

Item.  I  give  and  devise  unto  my  daughter  Patience  Hudson,  the  lot  of 
land,  situate  on  the  Hill,  containing  about  one  acre,  be  the  same  more  or 
less,  lying  between  the  two  rope-walks,  bound  North  on  a  highway  lately 
laid  out;  West  on  the  rope-walk  occupied  by  William  and  John  Tilley;  East 
on  land  on  which  the  rope-walk  now  stands  and  on  the  land  that  I  bought 
of  my  late  son  Thomas  Tilley,  and  the  other  part  of  the  land  running  from 
the  lower  part  of  rope-walk  to  the  said  highway,  not  covered ;  South  on  the 
partition  fence  from  one  rope-walk  to  the  other  close  to  the  Tar  House ;  also 
I  give  to  my  daughter,  Patience,  the  sum  of  Three  Hundred  and  Fifty  Dol- 
lars, first  deducting  what  her  husband,  Henry  J.  Hudson,  is  indebted  to  me 
by  note,  book-account  or  otherwise,  the  balance  to  be  paid  her  in  one  year 

58  Genealogy  of  the  Tilley  Family. 

after  my  decease  with  interest  at  4  per  cent;  also  the  one  twelfth  part  of 
One  Thousand  Dollars  which  my  wife,  Catharine  Tilley,  deceased,  gave  her 
at  my  decease. 

Item.  I  give  and  bequeath  unto  my  four  grandchildren,  the  children  of 
my  late  son,  James  Tilley,  the  sum  of  Eight  Hundred  Dollars,  to  be 
equally  divided  between  them,  to  be  paid  in  one  year  after  my  decease; 
also  the  one  twelfth  part  of  One  Thousand  Dollars  which  my  late  wife, 
Catharine  Tilley,  left  them  at  my  decease. 

Item.  I  give  and  bequeath  unto  all  my  grandsons  bearing  and  going  by 
the  name  of  William,  all  my  wearing  apparel  to  be  equally  divided  among 

Item.     At  the  intercession  and  persuasion   of  some   of  my   children   I 

had  my  likeness  taken,  that  all  my  children  may  have  an  opportunity  of 
seeing  the  same.  I  hereby  order  and  direct  that  after  my  decease  the  said 
likeness  be  deposited  with  my  daughter,  Mary  Swinburne,  for  one  year;  at 
the  expiration  of  that  term  the  said  likeness  to  be  deposited  with  the  next 
oldest  for  the  same  term,  and  in  the  same  manner  to  all  my  children  until 
they  have  all  had  the  same  for  one  year;  after  my  children  have  had  the 
same  for  the  term  above  mentioned,  it  is  my  desire  that  all  my  grand- 
children should  have  the  same  in  the  manner  as  my  children  have  had  it, 
beginning  at  the  eldest  down  to  the  youngest.  And  whereas  the  likeness 
of  my  late  wife  now  in  my  possession  is  to  be  delivered  to  Mr.  Atwell  at 
my  decease,  which  he  has  agreed  to  dispose  of  to  my  family,  which  when 
purchased  is  to  remain  with  my  children  and  grandchildren  in  the  same 
way  and  manner  that  my  likeness  is  directed  to  be  deposited  with  them. 

Item.     I  give  and  bequeath  unto  my  son,  George  Tilley,  my  clock. 

Item.  My  mind  and  will  is  that  whatsoever  my  sons  and  daughters  or 
either  of  them  have  drawn  from  me  either  by  note,  book-account  or  other- 
wise more  than  the  first  dividend  of  my  estate,  shall  be  deducted  from  each 
of  their  proportions  in  the  second  dividend  which  they  will  be  entitled  to 
receive  out  of  my  estate. 

Item.  My  mind  and  will  is  that  all  my  children  that  shall  or  may  be 
indebted  to  me  at  my  decease,  more  than  what  I  have  given  them  in  this 
my  last  will  and  testament,  in  the  first  dividend  of  my  estate,  shall  pay 
interest  for  such  balance  until  paid  at  four  per  cent.,  and  all  those  that 
the  whole  of  the  legacies  given  shall  be  due  to  them  at  my  decease,  shall 
receive  interest  for  the  same  at  four  per  cent,  from  my  decease  until  paid. 

Item.  I  give  and  bequeath  unto  the  First  Baptist  Church  in  Newport 
the  sum  of  Twenty  Dollars  for  the  sole  use  and  benefit  of  the  poor  of  the 
church.  I  also  give  to  the  Second  Baptist  Church  in  said  Newport  the  sum 
of  Twenty  Dollars  to  and  for  the  sole  use  of  the  poor  of  said  church.  I  also 
give  to  the  Third  Baptist  Church  in  the  said  Newport  the  sum  of  Ten 
Dollars  for  the  sole  use  of  the  poor  of  the  church.  I  also  give  to  the 
Fourth  Baptist  Church  in  said  Newport  the  sum  of  Twenty  Dollars  for  the 
sole  use  and  benefit  of  ihe  poor  of  said  church;  all  the  above  legacies  to 
be  paid  in  one  year  after  my  decease. 

Item.  My  mind  and  will  is  that  the  sum  of  Three  Hundred  and  Fifty- 
six  Dollars  be  deducted  out  of  my  daughter  Dorcas  Cook's  share  or  part 
of  the  last  dividend  of  my  estate. 

G-enealogy  of  the   Tilley  Family,  59 

All  the  rest  and  residue  of  my  estate,  real  and  personal,  of  what  nature 
orquality  whatsoever,  or  wherever  the  same  may  be  found  not  disposed  of 
or  mentioned,  after  my  just  debts,  funeral  expenses,  and  legacies  before 
mentioned  are  paid  and  discharged,  I  give,  devise,  and  bequeath  all  the  rest, 
residue  and  remainder  of  my  estate,  real  and  personal  to  my  ten  children 
now  living  and  herein  before  mentioned  and  named,  in  equal  portions  and 
proportions,  share  and  share  alike,  to  hold  to  them,  their  heirs  and  as- 
signs forever. 

Lastly.  I  hereby  nominate  and  constitute  my  two  sons,  William  Tilley, 
Jr.,  and  George  Tilley,  executors  of  this  my  last  will  and  testament,  not 
doubting  but  they  will  execute  the  same  according  to  the  true  intent  and 
meaning  thereof,  and  as  a  compensation  of  the  time  and  trouble  in  settling 
the  said  estate  I  give  the  sum  of  One  Hundred  Dollars  to  be  divided 
between  them,  hereby  revoking  all  former  wills  or  wills  by  me  heretofore 
made,  certifying  this  my  last  will  and  testament.  In  witness  whereof  I 
have  hereunto  set  my  hand  and  seal  at  Newport,  this  twelfth  day  of  Novem- 
ber in  the  year  of  our  Lord,  One  Thousand,  Eight  Hundred  and  Nineteen. 

William  Tilley.     [Seal.] 

Signed,  sealed,  and  published  and  declared  by  the  said  William  Tilley 
as  and  for  his  last  will  and  testament  in  presence  of  us  who  have  here- 
unto set  our  hands  as  witnesses  thereto  at  the  same  time  in  presence,  of 
the  testator  and  in  the  presence  of  each  other— the  words  "year,"  "  with 
interest"  interlined  in  the  third  page  before  signing,  the  interlineation  on 
the  third  page  done  before  signing. 

Thomas  R.  Almy,  ^ 

11    W.  Stevens,      >  Witnesses. 

Jonathan  Almy,    ) 



Whereas  I  have  made  my  last  will  and  testament  bearing  date  the  12th 
day  of  November,  A.  D.  1819,  which  I  ratify  and  confirm  with  the  follow- 
ing alterations  and  additions  for  good  causes  and  considerations,  me  there- 
unto moving,  do  by  this  present  codicil  hereunto  annexed,  which  I  make  a 
part  and  parcel  of  my  said  will  and  testament  to  be  thereunto  added  : 

I  give  and  devise  to  my  two  sons,  William  Tilley,  Jr.,  and  John  T. 
Tilley,  a  strip  of  land  of  two  feet  wide  running  from  Griffin  street, 
North  on  the  East  side  of  their  rope-walk,  to  the  end  thereof.  Further, 
I  give,  devise  and  bequeath  unto  my  said  two  sons,  William  Tilley,  Jr.» 
and  John  T.  Tilley,  and  the  person  or  persons  who  shall  own  the  other 
rope-walk,  equally  between  them  a  strip  or  piece  of  land  containing  from 
East  to  West,  one  hundred  and  thirty-eight  feet  in  length  and  from  North 
to  South,  forty  feet  in  width,  with  the  tar  house,  copper  and  capstone 
standing  on  said  ground,  and  in  case  either  of  the  said  parties  shall  dis- 
agree about  using  the  said  copper,  tar  house  or  capstone,  it  is  my  wish 
that  there  be  no  controversy  or  division  among  them  or  either  of  them  ; 
if  there  shall  be  any,  I  hereby  order  and  direct  them  to  divide  the  ground, 
copper,  tar  house,  capstone  and  tools  belonging  to  it  in  such    a   way  and 

60  Genealogy  of  the  Tilley  Family. 

manner  as  they  think  proper,  so  that  each  party  may  use  and  improve  the 
same  separately,  not  to  interfere  with  each  other. 

In  witness  whereof  I  have  hereunto  set  my  hand  and  seal   at  Newport, 
R.  T.,  this  31st  day  of  August,  A.  D.  1820. 

William  Tilley.     [Seal.] 

Signed,  sealed,  published  and  pronounced  by  the  said  William  Tilley  as 

a  codicil  to  be  annexed  to  his  said  last  will  and  testament   in  presence  of 

us,  who  at  his  request  have  set  our  names  as  witnesses  thereto  at  the  same 

time  in  presence  of  the  testator  and  in  presence  of  each  other. 

Robert  W.  Stevens,  } 

T.  R.  Almy,  >  Witnesses. 

J.   Almy,  S 


WIItMflja   TIIiIiEY. 

The  children  of  Deacon  William  Tilley  were  born  in  New- 
port, R.  I.,  and  are  now  all  dead. 

Mary  B.  Swinburne,  his  oldest  child,  is  buried  with  her 
husband  in  the  Island  Cemetery,  Newport,  R.  I.,  near  the 
monument  of  Commodore  Oliver  Hazard  Perry. 

Sarah  Burroughs,  his  fourth  child,  is  buried  with  her  hus- 
band, but  a  few  feet  North  of  her  father. 

James  Tilley,  his  fifth  child,  is  buried  with  his  second  wife, 
next  to  his  father. 

Thomas  Tilley,  the  sixth  child  of  Deacon  William  Tilley, 
lies  buried  in  the  lot  next  North  of  his  brother  James,  with 
his  wife  and  oldest  daughter. 

William  Tilley,  Jr.,  the  eighth  child,  is  buried  with  his 
wife  in  the  lot  next  North  of  Thomas,  and  with  him  in  the 
same  lot  are  buried  all  of  his  descendants,  not  one  being  now- 

Elizabeth  Cook,  his  ninth  child,  is  buried  with  her  husband 
and  several  children  in  the  Island  Cemetery,  Newport,  R.  I., 
near  the  monument  of  Commodore  Matthew  C.  Perry. 

Dorcas  Cook,  the  tenth  child,  is  buried  with  her  husband, 
in  the  Island  Cemetery,  Newport,  R.  I.,  in  the  lot  where 
nearly  all  of  her  children  are  buried. 

Abraham  D.  Tilley,  the  twelfth  child,  and  his  wife  are 
buried  in  what  was  known  as  the  Willow  Cemetery,  but  now 
a  part  of  the  Island  Cemetery  ;  in  the  same  lot  several  of  his 
descendants  are  buried. 

Patience  Hudson,  the  thirteenth  child,  and  her  husband, 

62  G-enealogy  of  the  Tilley Family. 

are  buried  in  the  same  lot  with  her  sister,  Dorcas  Cook. 

John  T.  Tilley,  the  fourteenth  child,  and  his  wife  are  buried 
in  the  Island  Cemetery,  Newport,  R.  I.  ;  in  the  same  lot  are 
buried  three  of  his  children. 

George  Tilley,  the  fifteenth  child,  and  several  of  his  family, 
are  buried  in  the  Island  Cemetery,  Newport,  R.  I. 

Benjamn  Tilley,  the  sixteenth  child,  is  buried  with  his 
wife  in  Bristol,  R.  I. 

Nancy  Tew,  the  seventeenth  child,  her  husband  and  only 
child  are  buried  in  the  old  burial  ground,  Newport,  near  her 
father.  • 

The  descendants  of  Deacon  William  Tilley,  now  living, 
are  scattered  throughout  the  United  States,  while  but  a  few 
are  still  living  in  his  native  town.  These  we  have  not 
space  to  mention,  but  a  glance  at  the  index  of  this  book 
will  give  the  reader  a  good  idea  of  where  the  Tilleys  now 

The  Descendants  of  John,  the  Second  Brother. 

Of  John  but  little  is  known,  except  that  he  early  left  his 
cousin  William,  the  rope-maker  of  Boston,  and  settled  in 
the  State  of  New  York.  He  is  not  mentioned  in  the  will  of 
William  Tilley,  of  Boston,  as  are  his  brothers  William  and 
James.  His  two  children  were  born  in  New  York  State,  but 
of  them  very  little  is  known.  Leonard,  his  first-born,  was 
married  in  Brooklyn,  and  afterwards  removed  to  Granby, 
Mass.,  and  his  descendants  are  mostly  found  in  that  State. 
Samuel,  the  younger  son  of  John  Tilley,  was  born  in  Brook- 
lyn, N.  Y.,  in  1740.  In  1783,  he  left  Brooklyn  with  the 
Royalists  and  settled  in  New  Brunswick.  His  descendants 
are  scattered  throughout  New  Brunswick,  New  Foundland, 
and  Canada,  while  a  few  are  found  in  Ohio  and  California. 
We  regret  that  our  record  of  John  is  so  incomplete,  but, 
after  much  correspondence  and  patient  waiting,  we  are  com- 
pelled to  give  it  to  our  readers  in  the  form  in  which  they 
find  it. 

G-enealogy  of  the  Tilley  Family.  63 

The  Descendants  of  James,  the  Youngest  Brother. 

James,  after  the  death  of  his  cousin  William,  of  Boston, 
settled  in  New  London,  Conn.,  where  he  married  and  his 
children  were  born.  Of  his  descendants  we  know  of  none 
living.  He  was  a  large  property  holder  in  New  London,  but 
his  property  has  since  passed  into  other  hands.  His  grand- 
son, William  Tilley,  left  New  London  for  parts  unknown  in 
1825,  leaving  his  wife  and  son  James,  who  came  to  Newport, 
R.  I.,  where  they  died,  and  a  daughter  who  married  and  af- 
terwards resided  in  France,  where  she  died.  George,  the 
half-brother  of  William  above  mentioned,  went  to  North 
Carolina,  but  of  him  nothing  more  is  known.  The  whole 
family  of  James  Tilley,  Sr.,  lived  and  died  in  New  London, 
and  it  is  only  from  the  records  of  New  London  and  the  papers 
left  by  Mrs.  William  Tilley,  that  we  have  been  able  to  ob- 
tain what  we  have  of  the  record  of  the  youngest  brother 
James  Tilley. 

Other  Families  of  the  Name  of  Tilley. 

There  are  in  the  United  States  six  different  families  by  the 
name  of  Tilley,  and  two  who  spell  their  name  Tilly.  Only 
three  of  the  former  are  able  to  trace  their  name  in  this  coun- 
try to  the  year  1735. 

In  Washington,  D.  C,  and  in  Maryland  and  Virginia,  the 
descendants  of  Thomas  Tilley  who  came  from  England  in 
1736,  are  quite  numerous.  Several  of  them  have  held  impor- 
tant positions  under  the  United  States  Government  and  are 
large  property  holders  in  Virginia. 

In  New  York  State,  a  number  of  the  descendants  of  George 
Tilley  of  England,  who  came  to  this  country  in  1738,  can 
be  found.  The  descendants  of  John  Tilley,  a  noted  pilot  of 
Boston,  Mass.,  in  1780,  are  living  in  Charlestown,  Mass.,  and 
in  Ohio,  Iowa  and  California. 

In  New  York  City,  we  find  several  Tilleys  who  have,  with- 
in a  few  years,  cmne  from  England,  mostly  from  the  City  of 

64  Genealogy  of  the  Tilley  Family. 

In  Wilmington,  N.  C,  Providence,  R.  L,  and  St.  Louis,  we 
find  one  family  of  Tilleys  in  each  place  who  are  not  de- 
scendants of  the  three  brothers  whose  record  we  publish, 
nor  are  the)7  relatives  of  either  of  the  Tilleys  mentioned 
in  this  list  of  unknown,  but  are  alone  and  can  find  no  con- 
nections in  this  country. 

The  family  of  Tillys  of  Connecticut  and  Massachusetts 
came  to  the  United  States  but  recently  from  England,  and 
they  are  the  only  ones  spelling  their  name  Tilly  in  this 
country.  In  Chicago,  111.,  one  family  of  Tilleys  belonging 
to  the  colored  race  is  recorded,  but  of  them  we  could  learn 


In  presenting  this  genealogy  of  the  Tilleys,  we  have  en- 
deavored to  give  a  record  of  each  member  of  the  family,  as 
far  as  it  could  be  obtained.  Of  the  descendants  of  Deacon 
William  Tilley  we  present  all ;  of  the  other  branches  we 
have  been  unable  to  collect  all  that  we  wished  to,  but  such 
as  we  have  been  able  to  obtain  we  have  arranged  in  the  usual 
form,  giving  dates  where  we  had  them.  We  now  present 
it  to  our  readers  with  the  hope  that  many  pleasant  hours 
ma}^  be  spent  in  tracing  their  genealogy   and  in  finding  the 

whereabouts  of  their  relatives. 

R.  FL  Telle y. 

Of  the  descendants  of  William  Tilley,  of  Boston,  and  of  William 
Tilley,  the  eldest  of  the  three  Brothers, 

Those  marked  *  are  deceased.  pages. 

Allen,    Kate Long  Island 33,  34 

Allen,   Dr.  William  A "        "      34 

*Amsbury,  Eliza  P Jefferson,  Me 13 

*Amsbury,     Israel "            " 13 

*Armitage,    Eliezur Boston,  Mass 5 

*Armitage,  Isabella "            "     5 

*Ayers,  Elizabeth   J Lindsey,  Kansas 21 

Barker,  Arnold Middletown,  R.  I 19 

Barker,  Celinda Newport,           "    19 

*Barker,  Charles Middletown,     "    7 

*Barker,  Esther  A Newport,           "     19 

Barker,  Henry Middletown,     "    34 

Barker,  Jane Providence,      "     24 

Barker,  Josephine Newport,           "     34 

*Barker,   Mary "                  " 7 

*Barker,  Peter Middletown,    "     9 

Barker,  Phebe Bristol,             " 9 

*Barker,  Simeon Middletown,    "     24 

*Babcock,  Charles Newport,         "    8 

Babcock,  Charles New  York 8 

*Babcock,  Henry "        "     8 

Babcock,    John "         " 8 

*Babcock,    Mary Newport,  R.  1 8 

*Babcock,   Mary Pennsylvania 8 

Babcock,  William Hartford,  Conn 8 

Barlow,  Frederick  A Newport,  E.  I 25 

Barlow,  Susie  J "              "  25 

Betoff,  Emma  Louise "              "   26 

Betoff,  James  H New  York 26 

*Boone,  Daniel  U Newport,  R.  I 27 

*Boone,  Mary  C "              "  27 

66  Genealogy  of  the  Tilley  Family. 

Brainard,  Ashel  S Wethersneld,    Conn 29 

Brainard,    Caudis West  Meriden,       "     29 

Bradley,   Sarah East  Greenwich,  R.  I 12 

Brown,  Joshua  C California 20 

Brown,   Lydia Norfork,   Va 3q 

Brown,    Maria Boston,  Mass 15 

Brown,  Nebraska Newport,  R.  I 20 

Brown,  Palmer 30 

Brown,   William Sidney,  Me 15 

Brownell,  Charles  T Newport,  R.    1 34 

Brownell,  George "             "   34 

Brownell,  Mary  E "              "   34 

Brownell,  Mary  S "              "... 34 

Brownell,  William  S "             "   34 

Brownell,  William  S.  Jr "             "   34 

♦Burroughs,  Abby "              "   7 

♦Burroughs,  Betsey "             "    7 

Burroughs,  Catharine "              "   7 

♦Burroughs,    Green "              "   7 

Burroughs,  Green "              "   7 

♦Burroughs,    John "              "   7 

Burroughs,    Mary "              "   7 

♦Burroughs,  Peleg Died  at  sea 7 

♦Burroughs,    Samuel Providence,  R.  1 7 

♦Burroughs,  Sarah Newport,         "    6,7, 61 

♦Burroughs,  Sarah  Ann Pawtucket,     "    7 

♦Burroughs,  Thomas Newport,         "    7 

♦Burroughs,  William "                "    7 

Burdick,  Ann Gardner,     Mass 29 

♦Burdick,  Adam Newport,  R.  1 45 

Burdick,  Captain  Daniel  D 29,  45 

♦Burlingham,    Rebecca  T Newport,  R.  1 10, 13 

Burlingham,   Thomas "             " 13 

♦Burlingham,  William "              " 13 

♦Bush,  Mary  A "              " 18 

♦Bush,  Thomas "              " 18 

Card,  Ann  G Providence, R.  I 16 

♦Card,  John Newport,       " 16 

♦Chace,  Benjamin "             " 28 

Chace,  Elizabeth "             " 28 

♦Champlin,  Amelia  T Buffalo,    N.  Y 23 

Champlin,  Carrie  M "              "    23 

Champlin,  Henry  S "               " 23 

Champlin,  Lizzie  T "              " 23 

Champlin,  O.  H.  P "             "    23 

Champlin,  O.  H.  P "             "    23 

Champlin,  Ruth  Amelia "             "    23 

Champlin,  Stephen  C "             "    23 

Grenealogy  of  the   Tllley  Family. 


Chappell,  Abby Newport,   E.  I 24 

*Chappell,  Henry Died  at  sea 24 

Chase,  Edna  C Newport,  E.  I 19,20,45 

♦Chase,  John  F. "  "   20,45 

Chase,  John  F.  Jr "  "   20,45 

Church,  Annie  E Bristol,  E.  1 33 

"  "   33 

"  "   33 

"  "  30,32,33 

"  "   33 

'•  "    33 

"  "   32,33 

"  "    33 

Church,  Benjamin "  " 

Church,  Eveline "  "   

♦Church,  Mary "  "   

Church,  Mary  C "  "   

Church,  Matilda *■  "    

Church,  Samuel "  "   

Church,  Samuel  W "  "    

Church,  Sarah "  "   

Church,  Thomas "  "   

Church,  Thomas '•  "   

♦(Clarke,  Grace Boston,  Mass 

♦Clarke,  Jonas "  "   

Clarke,  Lydia , Newport,  E.   I 

♦Clarke,  Thomas .' "  "   

♦Coffin,  Paul "  "    

♦Coffin,  Eualmy "  "   

♦Coggeshall,  Mary  C "  "   

♦Coggeshall,  William "  "   

Congdon,  Charlotte "  "   

♦Congdon,  George  E Georgetown,  S.   C . .  . 

♦Congdon,  George "  " 

Congdon,  James  C Georgetown,  S.  C. . . 

♦Congdon,  John  C Newport,  E.  I 

♦Congdon,  John  C.  C "  " 

Congdon,  Martha  D "  " 

Congdon,  Nancy "  " 

Congdon,  Eobert  E New  London,  Conn. 

Congdon,  Ruth  A Lynchburgh,  Va. . . . 

♦Congdon,  Sarah  P Georgetown,  S.   C. . . 

Congdon,  Sarah  P Newport,  R.  I 

Congdon,  William  C "  " 

Congdon,  William  P "  " 

♦Cook,  Betsey "  " 

Cook,  Catharine "  " 

♦Cook,    Charles "  " 

♦Cook,  Clarke "  " 

♦Cook,  Dorcas "  " 

Cook,  Eliza "  " 

♦Cook,  Elizabeth , "  «.' 

♦Cook,  Elizabeth "  " 

♦Cook,  Elizabeth "  " 

♦Cook,  George "  " 

♦Cook,  Godfrey "  " 




5,  6 








...  18,  19 

. ...  16,  17 



68  Genealogy  of  the  Tilley  Family. 

Cook,  Hannah "              " 17 

*Cook,  Henry "              " 17 

•Cook,  Isaac "              " 16 

♦Cook,  Isaac "              " 16 

•Cook,  John Jersey  City,  N.  J 17 

•Cook,  Lydia Newport,  E.  1 16 

•Cook,  Mary  Ann "              " 16 

•Cook,  Mary. "               " 17 

*Cook,   Ruben "              " 16 

♦Cook,   Ruben Lena,    111 16 

*Cook,  Sarah Newport,  R.  1 17 

•Cook,  William "              " 17 

Cove,  Francis Areata,   Cal 45 

Cove,  Richard Iowa 45 

Darling,  Mary  E Washington,  D.  C 33 

*Davis,  Nathaniel Newport,  R.  1 28 

Davis,  Rebecca  H Lebanon,    Conn 28 

Douglass,  Abby  A Bristol,  R.  I 

q  K 

Easton,  Benjamin Newport,  R.  1 19 

Easton,  Benjamin,  Jr "              " 19 

♦Easton,  Charlotte "              " 17,19 

Easton,  Elizabeth  C "              " 19 

Easton,  Henry. "              " 19 

*  Easton,  John "              " 19 

Easton,    Kate Providence," 19 

Easton,  Mary Newport,      " I9 

*Easton,  Ruth  A "               " 19 

♦Easton,  Thomas "               " 19 

♦Easterbrooks,  Samuel Bristol,          " 33 

Eastcrbrooks,  Susan  W "              " 33 

♦Ellery,  Christopher Newport,      " 9 

*Ellery,  Clarissa "               " 9 

Finch,  Benjamin Newport,  R.  I 27 

Finch,    Emma "               " 27 

Finch,  George  T "              " 27 

Finch,  James  B "              " 27 

Finch,  Mary "              " 27 

Finch,   Sarah "              " 27 

♦Gray,  Alphia Bristol,  R.  1 35 

Gray,  John "          " 35 

Gray,  Mary  Ann Corpus   Christi,    Texas 9, 45 

Hammett,  Bessie Newport,  R.  I : 30 

Hammett,  Elizabeth  R "              " 27 ,30 

Hammett,  Frederick "              " 30 

Hammett,  James  H "              " 30 

Grenealogy  of  the  Tilley  Family.  69 

Hammett,  Lincoln Newport,  K.  1 30 

•Hammett,  Lizzie "              " 30 

Hammett,  Louise "              " 30 

Hammett,  Sarah •'               " 30 

Hammond,    Ann   E  "              "    34 

*Hammond,  Kate "              "  21 

Hammond,  Zenas  L "  " 21,34 

*Handy,  Lydia "              "  29 

•Handy,  Pardon "              "  29 

Hare,  Eliza  A Norfolk,  Va 31 

Hazard,  Charles    H Middletown,  R.  1 17 

Hazard,  Benjamin  P Georgetown,  S.  C 17 

•Hazard,  George Warren,  R.  1 8 

Hazard,   George   M Newport,  R.I 17 

Hazard,  James  T "               " 17 

Hazard,    Mary    S "              "  17 

•Hazard,  Mumford "              "  17 

Hazard,    Sarah    E t;              "  17 

•Hazard,  Sarah  T "              '•  17 

Hazard,  Thomas  T JerseyCity,N.J 17 

Hazard,  William  W Randolph,  Mass 17 

Holmes,  Addie  Providence, R.I 25 

Holmes,  John  P North  Easton.  Mass 25 

♦Hudson,  Henry  J Newport,  R.  1 22 

•Hudson,  Patience "  " 7,22,61 

Hull,  Francis "               " 13 

•Hull,  John "               " 13 

Jones,  Phineas  P Providence, R.  I 14 

Jones,  Victoria "            "     14 

Kline,  John  Everette Newport,  R.  1 23 

•Kline,  Joseph  E "              " 23 

Larkin,  Chloe Morisana,   Kansas 14 

•Larkin,  Content Newport,  R.  1 26 

Larkin,  Henry Troy,  N.  Y-. 14 

•Larkin,  James 26 

♦Lawton,  Benjamin  J Wilmington,  N.  C 25 

Lawton,  Catharine  C Amherst,  Mass 27 

Lawton,  Charlotte  A Newport,  R.  1 23 

Lawton,  Charlotte  S "              "   23 

Lawton,  Charles  H "              "  23 

Lawton,  Capt.  James  E Cranston,     " 22 

Lawton,  John "             "   22 

*Lawton,  Margaret  T Wilmington,  N.  C 22,25 

*Lawton,  Mary Newport,    R.  1 26 

Lawton,  Nicholas Cranston,    " 22 

♦Lawton,  Robert Amherst,   Mass 27 

*Lawton,  Sarah  R Newport,  R.  1 22 

Lawton,  Thomas  A "              "  23 


Genealogy  of  the  Tilley  Family. 

♦Lawton,  William Portsmouth,   R.   I. 

Lawton,  William  H Troy,  N.  Y 

Lawton,  William  H Newport,  R.  I 

Lawton,  William  H.,  Jr "  " 

Lewis,  Catharine  L "  " 

Lewis,  George  E "  " 

Lovie,  Annie  E "  " 

♦Lovie,  William "  " 

*Marsh,  Joseph New  Orleans,  La. . 

Marsh,  Louise Newport,  R.  I 

*McCurda,  Emmiie  F Providence,  R.  I. . 

McCurda,  Capt.  Isaac "  "   .. 

*McKenzie,  Alice "  ".. 

*McKenzie,  Rev.  James  A Tiverton,  "   .. 

*McKenzie,  James  A Providence,       "   .. 

McKenzie,  John  T Tiverton,  "   . . 

*McKenzie,  Joseph  P "  "   . . 

♦McKenzie,  Mary  S 

*McKenzie,  Sarah  Ann "  "   . 

*McKenzie,  Sarah  Jane "   . 

Melville,  Harriet East  Greenwich  "   . 

♦Melville,  Thomas Newport,  "   . 

Miller,  Lois  F Norfolk,   Va 

Molly,  Anaster "  "     

Munroe,  Annie  C Bristol,  R.  I 

♦Munroe,  Bennett "  "      

Munroe,  Elizabeth "  "      

♦Munroe,  George  B "  "      

Munroe,  George  W "  "      

Munroe,  Lucy  B Norfolk,    Va 

Munroe,  William  J Bristol,  R.  I 

Nason,  Charles : Newport,  R.  I 

Nason,  Ella "  " 

Nason,  Esther  Ann " 

Nason,  George " 

Nason,  Hattie ' 

♦Nicoll,  John Died   at  sea 

*Nicoll,  Margaret  B Newport,  R.  I 

♦Nicoll,  Sarah  B.... "  "•■•• 

Peckham,  Abraham  T Portsmouth,  R.    I 

♦Peckham,  Charlotte  H Middletown,       " 

*Peckham,  Charlotte  S 

♦Peckham,  Eliza  R Newport,  ' ' 

Peckham,  James  T Middletown,       " 

♦Peckham,  Joshua Newport,  R.  I. . 

Peckham,  Joshua 

♦Peckham  John  H " 

Peckham,  Mary  E " 

Peckham,  Michael  E " 

Peckham,  Nancy  C " 











.  14,15 


..  30,32 












Genealogy  of  the   Tilley  Family. 


Peckham,  Phebe  Ann Providence,  R.  I. . 

*Peckham,  Rebecca  H Middle  town,  R.  I. 

♦Peckham,  Ruth  T Wakefield,         ' ' 

♦Peckham,  Sarah  P. Middletown,     " 

Peckham,  Thomas  S "  " 

Peckham,  William  T Newport,  R.  I 

Perry,  Emma  J Boston,  Mass .... 

Perry,  Herbert  L "  "     

*Philips,  Capt.  Samuel Newport,  R.  I 

♦Philips,  Caroline "  "   

Pitman,  Catharine  T Providence,  R.  I. . 

Pitman,  Charles  D "  " 

Pitman,  Charles  H "  ".... 

Pitman,  Elizabeth  A "  "... 

Pitman  Lydia  B "  " 

Pitman,  Mary  E "  " 

Pitman,  Pemelia  B "  " 

Pitman,  Rebecca  T "  ".... 

Pitman,  Thomas  T "  " 

♦Pitman,  William "  ".... 

Pitman,  William "  " 

Popple,  Hattie  B Newport,       "   ... 

Popple,  John M "  "  ... 

Powell,  Abby "  "    ... 

Powell,  Carrie "  "  ... 

♦Powell,  Charles '<  "... 

Powell,  Charlotte "  "... 

Powell,  Frank "  "... 

♦Powell,  James  C "  "   

Powell,  James  T , "  "    ... 

Powell,RuthA "  "... 

♦Prentiss,  Clara  B Fall  River,  Mass . . 

♦Prentiss,  Grace Middletown,    R.    I 

♦Prentiss,  William  M Fall  River,  Mass. . 

Pullen,  MaryS .Newport,   R.I 

♦Pullen,  Randall "  ".... 

♦Pullen,  Sadie "  " 

Rathburn,  Lydia Providence,    R.    I. 

Rathburn,  William "  " 

♦Read,  Elizabeth Newport,  R.  I 

♦Read,  Leo Chelsea,  Mass. . . . 

♦Read,  William "  " 

♦Read,  William  M Boston,         "   

Remington,  Mary Providence,  R.  I. . 

♦Remington,  Peter  P Newport,   R.    I . . . 

♦Remington,  Peter "  "  

♦Remington,  Rualmy "  "   

Remington,  Sarah "  "   


, ..  10,11 

. . .  19,20 

. ..  20 

. . .  .22 


..  -  16 





72  Genealogy  of  the  Tilley  Family. 

Roberts,  Julia  IS" East  Greenwich,  R.  1 12 

Roberts,  William  S "            "           "   16 

♦Rogers,  Elizabeth Newport,  R.  1 6 

♦Rogers,  Jeremiah. "              " 2 

♦Rogers,  Patience '     "              "    6 

*Sabine,  Catharine Newport,  R.  1 6 

Seabury,  Edward  C Lynchburgh,    Va 18 

Seabury,  Eliza  M "                " 18 

♦Seabury,  John  Kirkpatrick "               " 18 

*Seabury,  Mary  P Wisconsin IS 

♦Seabury,' Mary  T .Lynchburgh,  Va 17,18 

Seabury,  Peleg "                "... 18 

Seabury,  Peleg  S "                "   18 

Seabury,  Robert  M "                "   18 

*Se wall,  Judge Boston,    Mass 6 

Sherman,  Clara Providence,  R.  1 8 

Sherman,  Eliza "              " 8 

Sherman,  James "              " 8 

Sherman,  Lyciia Newport,  R.  1 21 

Sherman,  Mary  E "                " 21 

Sherman,  P.  Remington Providence,   " 8 

Sherman,  Sarah "              " 8 

♦Sherman,  Thomas "               " 8 

Sherman,  Thomas "              " 8 

Sherman,  William "              " 8 

♦Sherman,  William  G Middletown,  " 21 

♦Simmons,  Jonathan "              " 30 

♦Simmons,  Racheal Bristol,           ' ' 30 

Simpson,  Martha Newport,       " 27 

♦Simpson,  Thomas "              " 27 

♦Sinkins,  Capt.  George 10 

♦Sinkins,  Mary Newport,  R.  1 10 

Slade,  James Jefferson,  Me 14 

Slocum,  Edmond  D New  York 26 

Slocum,  Edmond  D.   Jr Newport,  R.   1 26 

Slocum,  Lena  R "                "    27 

Slocum,  Mary  E "                " 26 

Slocum,  Mary  E "                 " 26 

Slocum,  Susan  G "                " 26 

Smith,  Charles Providence,    " 10 

Smith,  Mary  Ann "           .     " 10 

Smith,  Mary  Anna, ,       "                 " 10 

Smith,  Mary  Ann  E "                " 10 

Smith,  Rebecca "                " 10 

Smith,  Sarah "                " 10 

♦Smith,  Stephen Columbus,  O 10,45 

♦Stockford,  Eliza Warren,  R.  1 8 

♦Stockford,  John "            "   8 

Sweet,  Mrs.  Julia Newport,   R.   1 29 

G-enealogy  of  the  Tilley  Family.  73 

Sweet,  LillieL Newport,  R.  1 29 

*Sweet,  Mary East  Greenwich, R.  1 10,45 

*Swinburne,  Daniel  T Newport,  R.  1 7 

*Swinbnrne,  Elizabeth "               "   7 

*Swinburne,  Lydia "              "   7 

*Swinburne,  Mary  B "               "   6,7,61 

♦Swinburne,  Mary  K "              " ••  7 

*Swinburne,  Thomas " 7 

•Taylor,  Capt,  Edward  E Newport,  R.  I 25 

Taylor,  Mary  C "              " 25 

Tew,    Amelia "              " 23 

•Tew,   Nancy "  '* 7,35.62 

•Tew,  William "              " 23 

•Tew,    Ruth "             " 17 

•Tew,  Captain  William "              " 35 

•Tew,  Capt.  William "              " 17 

Thomas,  Harriet East  Greenwich,  R.  1 11,12 

Thomas,  Jesse "            "            " 12 

Thomas,  Mary  E "             "            " 12 

Tilley,  Aaron  S Newport,  R.  1 27,29 

Tilley,  Abby  F East  Greenwich,  R.  I. 11,12 

Tilley,  Abby  R Newport,  R.   I 20,21 

Tilley,  Abraham  A "                 " 19,20 

•Tilley,  Abraham  D "  " 7,17,61 

Tilley,  Abraham  H "                 " 17,19 

•Tilley,  Ann  Bouton "                " 22,23 

Tilley,  Annie  C Morisana,   Kansas 14 

Tilley,  Annie  Lincoln Bristol,,    R.  I 9,10 

•Tilley,  Annie  P "              "    33,34 

•Tilley,  Benjamin "  '"    7,30,62 

Tilley,  Benjamin Norfolk,  Va 30,31 

Tilley,  Benjamin  F U.  S.   Navy 33 

•Tilley,  Benjamin   H Newport,  R.I 20,21 

•Tilley,  Benjamin  J "             "   22,25 

Tilley,  Benjamin  R Bristol,         "  30,33 

•Tilley,  Caroline   Amelia Newport,      " 18 

Tilley,  Carrie  S Colorado 21 

•Tilley,  Catharine Taunton,  Mass 30,31 

•Tilley,  Catharine Bristol,  R,   1 30*34 

•Tilley,  Catharine  M Jefferson,    Me 14 

Tilley,  Charles  A Providence,  R.  1 15 

•Tilley,  Charles  C Newport,          "   . . , 27,28 

Tilley,  Rev.  Charles  C Newton,  Mass 14,15 

Tilley,  Charles  E Providence,  R.   1 28 

Tilley,  Charles  H "                  " 28 

Tilley,  Charles  H Newport,          " 30,34 

Tilley,  Charles  N "                   " 22,24 

Tilley,  Clara  E Norfolk,  Ya 31,32 

Tilley,  Clara  M East  Greenwich,  R.  1 11,12 

74  Genealogy  of  the  Tilley  Family. 

Tilley,  Clarence ..Bristol,  R.    I.. 9.10 

Tilley,  Edgar  H. . .  .West  Meriden,  Conn 29 

Tilley,  Edith  May Newport,  R.  I 25 

♦Tilley,  Edward  L "              "   27 

Tilley,    Edwin. East  Greenwich,  R.  I 12 

Tilley,  Edwin  E. .-. .  .Corpus  Christi,   Texas. 9,45 

Tilley,  Edwin   H. Newport,  R.  I 34 

Tilley,  Edwin  M. Norfolk,  Va 30,31 

Tilley,  Edwin  M East  Greenwich,  R.  1 11,12 

*Tilley,  Eleaza Newport,  R.  I 10,13 

Tilley,  Eliza  S. "              " 9 

*Tilley,  Elizabeth  Moore "              " 15 

•Tilley,  Elizabeth  M.  R "               " .15,16- 

Tilley,  Elsie  Ann "               " 29,30 

Tilley,  Emma Gardner,  Mass 29 

Tilley,  Emma Bristol,  R.  I 35 

Tilley,  Emma. .East  Greenwich,  R.  I. 12 

Tilley,  Emma  H Morisana,  Kansas 14 

*Tilley,  Emma  M Corpus  Christi,  Texas 9,45 

Tilley,  Etta  Finch. West  Meriden,   Conn 29 

♦Tilley,  Francis 30,32 

Tilley,   Frank East  Greenwich,  R.  I 12 

♦Tilley,  Frank  Woolsey Providence, R.  I  16 

Tilley,  Frederick Newport,         "        29,30 

♦Tilley,  Dea.  George. "  "     7,26,62 

Tilley,  George....... Bristol,            " 30,35 

Tilley,  George. Areata,  Cal 17,22,45 

Tilley,  George  A .Newport,  R.  1 29 

♦Tilley,  George  A Washington,  D.  C 33,34 

Tilley,  George  H ............... .  Morisana,   Kansas 14 

*Tilley,  George  H Newport,  R.  1 20,21 

♦Tilley,  George  M Providence," 14,15 

♦Tilley,  GeorgeS. Warren,        "   10,13 

Tilley,  George  T .Norfolk,    Va 31,32 

Tilley,  George  W Newport,  R.  I 26 

Tilley,  George  W. . . Amherst,   Mass 28 

Tilley,  George  W.  T. Newport,  R.  I 19 

Tilley,  Grace  M Corpus  Christi,  Texas 9,45 

Tilley,  Harriet East  Greenwich,  R.  I 12 

*Tilley,  Harriet  Mary. Providence,    R.  1 15 

Tilley,  Henry  C. East  Greenwich,  R.    1 13 

♦Tilley,  Henry  C ......... . .  .Providence,  R.  1 14 

*Tilley,  Henry  C "                 " 11,12 

Tilley,  Henry  H Washington.  D.  C 33 

Tilley,  Henry  H .Newport,  R.I 27 

♦Tilley,  Henry  Hudson "             "    , 15 

♦Tilley,  Herbert ■ "             "    28 

Tilley,  Herbert  C "             "  19,20 

Tilley,  Herbert  S Bristol,           "  9,10 

G-enealogy  of  the  Tilley  Family.  75 

♦Tilley,  Dea.  James. East  Greenwich,  E.  1 10,11 

♦Tilley,  James Newport,  "  . 6,7,61 

*Tilley,  James . .         "  " .   17,20 

*Tilley,  James  Easton . .         "  u 19 

*Tilley,  James   Harrison "  "  . . . 26 

♦Tilley,  James  L "  " 26 

Tilley,  James  S ,  .New   Fork  City. 11 

Tilley,  Jennie  E Newport,  E.  I 20 

Tilley,  Jennie  Molly .Norfolk,  Va 31,32 

♦Tilley,    John New  York  State 5 

Tilley,  John  B Newport,  E.  1 29 

*Tilley,  John   Henry Warren,       ** 13 

Tilley,  John  Henry Newport,     " 24 

•♦Tilley,  John  Tabour "  "   7,22,62 

*Tilley,  John   T.,  Jr "  " 22,23 

Tilley,  Joseph  Boutelle Areata,  j  Cal 22,45 

Tilley,  Julia Bristol,  E.  I 35 

Tilley,  Kate Norfolk,  Va.... •>.         31 

Tilley,  Lawinston   G Boston,  Mass 14,15 

Tilley,  Lettie  Louise Providence,  E.  I 25 

Tilley,  Louis  Crawford Norfolk,  Va 31 

Tilley,  Louis  E Newport,  E.  I 27 

Tilley,  Lydia  Eva 30,32 

Tilley,  Lydia  L Norfolk,  Va 32 

♦Tilley,  Margaret  H Newport,  E.  1 22,25 

Tilley,  Maria  E Bristol,       "     9,10 

*Tilley,  Mary  Ann East  Greenwich,  E.  1 11,45 

Tilley,  Mary  E Morisana,  Kansas 14 

Tilley,  Mary  Eva Norfolk,  Va 31,32 

Tilley,  Mary  E Newport,  E.  1 21 

Tilley,  Mary  P "  "   20 

Tilley,MaryS "  " 13 

♦Tilley,  Mary  Swinburne "  "   15,16 

Tilley,  MauriceP Norfolk,  Va 32 

Tilley,  Mercy East  Greenwich,  E.  1 11,45 

♦Tilley,  Mira Gardner,  Mass 29 

♦Tilley,  Nancy Newport,  E.  1 30,33 

Tilley,  Percival "  "  21 

♦Tilley,  Eacheal  S "  " 30,34 

♦Tilley,  Eacheal "  "    34 

Tilley,  Eisbrough  H "  " 25 

Tilley,  Robert  L Gardner,  Mass 27,28,29 

♦Tilley,  Samuel  E North  Dighton,  Mass 33 

*Tilley,  Samuel  P Providence,  E.  I 18 

*Tilley,  Sarah Newport,  E.   I. . . . .  27,28 

Tilley  Simeon  B Providence,  E.  I 24 

Tilley,  Stockford  E Bristol,  "     9 

Tilley,  Susan E ...Newport,       "     15,16 

Tilley,  Thomas "  " 6,10,61 

76  Genealogy  of  the   Tilley  Family. 

♦Tilley,  Thomas East  Greenwich,  R.  I 11,45 

*Tilley,  Thomas . "  "    11,45 

Tilley,  Thomas Morisana,  Kansas . 14 

Tilley,  Thomas  C. ............ . .  .Norfolk,  Va . . . 30,32 

Tilley,  Thomas  J . . . . East  Greenwich,  R.  I .........    11,12 

*Tilley,  Thomas  R "  "     10,45 

♦Tilley,  Thomas  S Newport,  R.  I. . 17,20 

Tilley,  Thomas  S... ,.         "  "... 21 

*Tilley,  Thomas  S.,  Jr. "  " 20,21 

Tilley,  Walter  R .Providence,  R.  1 15 

Tilley,  Wilhelmina Norfolk,  Va 31 

♦Tilley,  William Boston,  Mass 5,6,50,51,52 

♦Tilley,  William. East  Greenwich,  R.  1 11,45 

♦Tilley,  Dea.  William. Newport,  R,  I 6,53,54,55,50 

♦Tilley,  William,  Jr. "  "     ...'. 6,53 

•Tilley, William,  Jr "  " ....6,15,61 

Tilley,  Rev.  William Jefferson,  Me .10,13,14 

♦Tilley,  William B.. 30 

Tilley,  William  B Norfolk,  Va 31 

*Tilley,  William  C. Newport,  R.  I. 19,20 

*Tilley,  William  C Providence  R.  1 15,16 

♦Tilley,  William  H'. '.'.'..". ' "  "... ^ 

Tilley,  William  H... ..         "  "   14,15 

♦Tilley,  William  H "  "   24 

♦Tilley,  William  James Newport,         "   8 

Tilley,  William  James Corpus  Christi,  Texas 9,45 

Tilley,  William  J Providence,  R.  I 

Tilley,  Rev.  William  J Brandon,  Vt 

Tilley,  William  J.,  Jr. .Providence,  R.  1 24,25 

Tilley,  William  J.,  3rd. ......... .  "   25 

Tilley,  William  Lovie .Newport,  " 20,21 

Tilley,  William  L "   - 27,28 

Tilley,  William  M .............. .  Norfolk,  Va 31 

Tilley!  William  P - "         "  -■ ••• •••  30,31 

*Tilley,  William  Tew .Newport,  R.  I 17,18 

Tilley,  Winnefried Providence,  R.  I ...... . 28 

Travers,  Catharine  J ......... . .  .Brandon,  Vt  33 

Vose,  Catharine •  •  •  •  -Newport,  R.  I 13 

y-H  it  ii  TO 

Vose,  Mary  C ■  (   ** 

Vose,  William  S . . .' '   ■ 

Vose,  William  S.,  Jr. '  •  ■ ■ 




♦Ward,  Ann .Newport,  R.  I 

Warner,  Lucius .... .........  Warren,  

Warner,  Mary  Jane. '  8>9 

Warner,  Oliver  S S3 

Warner,  Susan  E —  33 

Weeks,  Artilitta Jefferson,  Me 14 

♦White,  GeorgeP Central  Falls,  R.  1 21 

G-enealogy  of  the  Tilley  Family.  11 

Williamson,  Emily  E . ...... .  84 

Wilson.  Carrie  T Newport,  K.  I. 23 

Wilson,  Elizabeth  B East  Greenwich,  E.  I 12 

Wilson,    Joseph  K Newport,  R.  I .............. . 23 

Wilson,  Oliver  C... "                "........ 23 

Wilson,  Robert "                " 23 

Wilson,  Robert "                "........ 23 

Wood,  Caroline Chelsea,  Mass ....  18 

Wood,  Joseph G- "        " 18 

*Woodmancy,  Abigail Boston,  Mass .........  6,50 

Index  of  the  Descendants  of  John  Tilley,  the  Second  Brother. 

Allurton,  Elizabeth 41 

Baker,   Anna  M 40 

Baker,  Frederick '      40 

Baker,    R 40 

Bartlette,  Amelia 38 

Bartlette,    George 38 

Bartlette,    Laman 38 

Bartlette,    Ruth 38 

Briggs,  Sarah 40 

Buckland,   Asneth 37 

Butterfield,    David 38 

Butterfield,  Mary 38 

Chace,  Mary 39 

Deney,  Julia  E 37 

Goucher,  Ambrose 40 

Goucher,  Anna 40 

Goucher,  Ella  G 41 

Goucher,  Inglis 41 

Goucher,  Laura  G 41 

Goucher,  Leonard  G 41 

Goucher,    Mary 40 

Gove,   Jeremiah 41 

Handford,    Julia 39 

Morgan,    Mary 38 

Morse,  Ann 39 

Morse,    Benjamin 39 

Nicholson,  Charlotte 41 

Peters,  Samuel  L 40 

Peters,  Susan  Ann 39 

Phinney,    Levina .........  41 

Plummer,   Ann 41 


Grenealogy  of  the   Tilley  Family* 

Sheldon,  Isaac. . 
Sheldon,    Sallie . 

Thayer,  Arnold . . 
Thayer,  Jerusha. 
Thayer,  Mary... 
Thayer,  Nellie . . 
Thayer,  Nelson . . 
Thayer,  Porter. . 
Thayer,  William. 

















































































Albert. ...... 

Alexander. . . , 
Annie  L ..... . 






David ........ 


Elizabeth .... 



Fanny  H . . . . 





George ... 

George ....... 


Harris  A 

Harry  Clifford , 
Hiram ........ 

Hiram ........ 

Jacob. ....... 





















G-enealogy  of  the  Tilley  Family. 




Maria. . . 

Mary  A 

Mary  Ann. 


Norris . 


Orin  E.... 
Otis ... 







. , 38 




Phebe. , 39,40 

Porter 37 

Rebecca 39,40 

Richard 41 

Ruth 37 

Samuel 36,38 

Samuel 39,40 

Samuel 41 

Samuel  L 39 

Samuel  L 40 

Sarah 41 

Thomas  H 40,41 

Thomas   M 39 

Wiswell,  Eliza. 


Index  of  the  Descendants  of  James  Tilley,  the  Third  Brother. 

Huntington,  Jerusha 43 

Miller,  Jeremiah 
Miller,  Marv 

Savel,  Hannah. . 
Savel,  John. . . . 
Short,    Minerva. 
Short,  William. 

Tilley,  Elizabeth. 

Tilley,  George... 

Tilley,  James. . . . 

Tilley,  James 

Tilley,  Jeremiah. 

Tilley,  Mary..... 

Tilley,  Mary 

Tilley,  William.. 


